41. Taste

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"Think you can keep your hands off me for one night?"

"Depends ... will you wear a shirt?"

"Yes." He grinned.

"Then I'll be fine." Satori assured.  Taking a step back, she slipped her hands into the pockets of her dress. She liked the oberyn found her a dress with pockets had one made just for her.

"Is this solely about my body?" He narrowed one eye.

"Of course. Your personality is just over the top but your physique is..." she kissed the sky.

"Oh Satori gorgeous, you objectify me." Oberyn mused. "I love it when you do so."

Myrcella and trystane were having a betrothal party. It was oberyns idea. He loved a good party. Myrcella loved the dress her aunt helped her pick out and all the food.

Once you go dornish you never go back, echoed in satoris mind. Oberyn was right. Dorne was a delicacy of its own.

"Mother you look beautiful." Joffrey remarked. She did a little spin.

"Thank you baby..." satori smiled back at him. "Gods you are getting so tall. You look like your uncle jaime in that," she touched his shirt gently.

"Thank you mama." Joffrey whispered.

Joffrey was turning out to be a polite young man. It might have been his sudden infatuation with Nymeria.  Satori followed his gaze and a smile curved her lips.

"You and nymeria get a training session in this morning?" Satori questioned

"What?" Joffrey questioned his gaze snapping to her again.

"Nymeria looks pretty." Satori offered.

"Yeah. Yeah she does." Joffrey agreed.

Myrcella and Trystane could have been the only two in the room, they sat alone together at the table, whispering to each other, they shared a glass of champagne, Trystane fed her bites of her meal. 

Satori wondered what it would be like to fall in love that young and to be so certain. She loved Jaime once upon a time but she was a foolish girl, she was hormonal and experimenting, she didnt want him now, she didnt want Jaime forever. She loved her brother, she did but she knew the difference between what she felt with Jaime and what Ned ignited in her and what she felt with Oberyn. 

It was hard to tell the difference between her feelings for Ned and her current feelings for Oberyn. They were similar, she wondered if she never met Ned if she would be this open and willing to explore more with Oberyn or if Oberyn would have opened up her mind and body just as easily with his southern charms. 

Satori smiled as Joffrey danced with oberyn's daughters, she also thought part of her love for Oberyn was his acceptance of her and Joffrey. She still remembered Ned's face when she told him the truth, how hurt he looked, how much pain and possibly disgust coursed through him even if he was trying to hide it. 

Satori was sucked out of her thoughts when Oberyn's arms twisted around her. He lifted a fork to her lips.

'Take a bite, you will love this." Oberyn promised kissing her cheek. She took a bite as requested and licked at her lips with a content hum. 

"What is it?" Satori questioned turning in his arms. 

"I call it, the orgasm." Oberyn declared satori brought a hand to her face to cover her blush. "Because it makes you feel things deep in your core." 

"I dont know about that, it made me moan." satori mused. 

"Then take another, until you feel what I do." he whispered kissing along her neck. 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now