42. Feel You

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"Because you are..." Oberyn kissed her. "...you are the kindest person maybe in the whole fucking world. I love you so much. I really do." Oberyn declared kissing her again. "I love you so much. Will you be my person?" Satori laughed nodding.

"Yes. I'll be your person." she agreed. 

"Good, now trust me." Oberyn added kissing her again before he took a step back and pulled off his shirt. Satori's eyes wandered over his toned tanned skin. 

He was only wearing black shorts, leaving far too many inches of skin exposed. Every muscle that shouldn't be physically possible to exist... well, exists. Satoris knees were seconds away from crashing to the rock.

"Please put your shirt back on," satori begged. He brushed past her without listening to her very reasonable request and dives headfirst into the massive diving hole before them. His skin barely touched hers, yet it still felt like flames were dancing across her body.

"Jump in my love the waters great!" Oberyn purred. 

Satori must have been ovulating because she couldnt control herself. SHe wanted him, she needed him and she jumped right in. All the thoughts racing through her head about you might get hurt, remember what happened with Jaime were drowned out as her head sunk under the water. 


Drying off when they got back was harder than she thought, her draped a towel over her hair as Oberyn still strut around in the tiniest shorts possible. 

"I see you watching me my love, what do you want?" Oberyn questioned but it was more like a challenge. 

"I want ..." Satori swallowed hard. "I just want to feel you." 

"Gods..." Oberyn groaned back. "Yes feel me, Satori." He grabbed her hand and slipped it down the front of his underwear, closing his eyes as his tongue swiped along his lower lip. He released her hand. It took her a few seconds to move her hand, to gently wrap it around him. She had done this before, well she hadnt the act she had done was quick and painful. This was different this wasnt sex, this was fine. She was fine. This was... Gods. He was warm and hard, yet smooth and long. Satori slid her hand up slowly. 

"Fuuuck ..." He dropped his chin and opened his eyes again, watching her touch him, his abs tightening even more than seconds earlier which she didnt think was possible, he was already extremely fit. 

Satoris gaze flitted between her hand and his gaze, like she wasn't fully aware that she was the one giving him that pleasure. Satori felt like a queen. A goddess. The head was even smoother... and wet ... and a little sticky.

 "Satori ..." He begged, he closed his eyes, squeezing them shut as if in some sort of agony. "Let me love you right." he drawled out.

 "No. I ... I just want to feel you." Satori stayed strong she had to. 

 "Fuck ..." Oberyn groaned out. His mouth landed on her neck and shoulder again, his hand grabbing her breast with a little bit of desperation. 

"You are feeling me, and it's killing me." Oberyn warned. She straddled him and a spark lit in his eyes. 

 "No. I want to feel you ..." Satori corrected feeling a bit more courage in her actions, she pushed down a fraction on his erection, forcing his underwear down a little more and positioning him extremely close to the center of her spread legs. "Here. I want to feel you here, but ... just ... not... but... on the outside." 

"Satori, my darling Satori ..." He rested his forehead on her shoulder and dropped his hand to the edge of the couch again as they both focused on Satori's dainty hand bringing him so incredibly close to her. Taking the tiniest of moves closer, the head of it touched her... there.

 "Stop." Satoris breath hitched. The warmth and silkiness felt out of this world. It was different from the first time, she was older and Oberyn wasnt a boy but a man as she was a woman.  After hearing him gulp a loud swallow, she rubbed it against  herself. It felt so good. Cersei always told her she was missing out and Satori didnt want to believe her. Didnt want to believe it could feel good. 

 Everything about him felt good ... maybe even right, could he be the right one for her? From his lips at her shoulder to his right hand on her knee, gently pushing it out to spread her legs a little wider. With micro movements, he dipped his hips forward a fraction of an inch, hitting her clit, then back. Forward again. Back again. 

It wasn't sex. It wasn't sex. It wasn't sex. 

That chant played on an endless loop in Satori's head.

 "Dear Gods ..." Satori closed her eyes and said a quick prayer for strength. His movements sped up a bit, becoming ragged like his breathing. 

"Oberyn!" Satori gasped, digging her fingernails into his shoulders as he stilled. It wasnt sex. Yet he just gave Satori what she assumed was her first orgasm. 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now