15. Gentleman

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Lovebomb/ Bronn out now!

'Rough night imp?' Sandor questioned fixing his boots.

'If I get through this without scratching one end or the other it will be a miracle.' Tyrion told him drunkenly, his head was spinning, he hated the north.

'Didn't pick you for a hunter.'

'I am the greatest in the land my spear never misses.' he said drunkenly, his words slurred.

'It's not hunting if you pay for it.' Sandor remarked getting up as Tyrion closed his eyes again leaning against the stables.

"Tyrion-" He sat back up again. "Oh Tyrion honey, did you sleep out here last night?" Satori questioned. 

"I... did it seems." Tyrion agreed. 

"Go sleep in a real bed," Satori encouraged. "The boys are going on a hunt. I dont think you will be going." 

"You are correct." Tyrion agreed, she offered him a hand pulling him to his feet. He swayed before her. 

"You realize it's almost midday." Satori remarked.

"I got in early." Tyrion corrected. Ned passed by them, his gaze locked on Satori as Robert pulled him along, she turned away, ashamed to even look in his direction. 

''I know what I'm putting you through. Thank you for saying yes. I only ask you because I need you. You're a loyal friend. You hear me? A loyal friend. The last one I've got." Robert remarked, Ned turned to him giving him a tight smile. The capital meant more of Satori, a chance at talking to her again, kissing her again. Not being a coward and running away after said kiss. 

''I hope I'll serve you well.' Ned told him.

''You will. And I'll make sure you don't look so fucking grim all the time. Find you a woman, or women!" Robert cackled out. "Down south, that will warm your cock." Ned's gaze shifted to Satori again as summer ran up to her, she laughed out kneeling to pet him. 

"Pretty pup you are." Satori remarked fondly. 

"He's mine." Bran remarked happily. "Summer is his name." 

"Beautiful." Satori remarked. "Are you joining your father on the hunt?" Bran shook his head. "I dont like hunts either." Satori informed him.  Bran watched summer run off to Ned, he smiled back at them. But Satori was hugging Joffrey bye and telling him to be careful. Bran waved goodbye as Robert shouted out. 

"Come on, boys, let's go kill some boar!" Ned nodded goodbye to Bran as the riding party headed off.

"I want to climb the broken tower too before we head back." Bran added to Satori, "You want to come." 

"I'm not much of a climber and... Bran Broken towers should not be climbed." Satori countered. "You know why?"


"It has the name broken in the title Bran, I really should not have to tell you why. You are smarter then that." Satori teased.

"You are so silly!" Bran declared running ahead of her.

Satori walked the grounds Ghost followed after her, she lay back in the snow and made a snow angel. Jaime stared down at her, he smiled watching her laugh out like a kid. Ghost jumped on her licking her face. 

"You should be the Hand."

"Gods forbid," Jaime replied lazily turning back to Cersei. "It's not an honor I'd want. There's far too much work involved."

"Don't you see the danger this puts us in? All of us! Satori too." Cersei hissed. "Robert loves the man like a brother."

"Robert can barely stomach his brothers. Not that I blame him. Stannis would be enough to give anyone indigestion." Jaime corrected.

"Don't play the fool. Stannis and Renly are one thing, and Eddard Stark is quite another. Especially since his mother came back from the dead, who the hell is that woman? Robert will listen to Stark. I should have insisted that he name you, but I was certain Stark would refuse him." Cersei grumbled out. Bran slipped hearing Stark on the woman's lips. He clung onto the side of the tower for dear life. 

"We ought to count ourselves fortunate," Jaime corrected. "The king might as easily have named one of his brothers, or even Littlefinger, gods help us." He muttered. "Give me honorable enemies rather than ambitious ones, and I'll sleep more easily by night." 

"I'm so sorry, my lady!" Jon remarked. 

"My fault for laying on the ground." Satori assured as Jon helped her up. "Ah, a gentleman just like your father." Jon smiled, he liked that compliment. "You only come out when everyone else is gone." Satori noticed. "Why is that?" 

"I'm a bastard." 

"And a good boy." Satori added. "I'm sorry, a good man." 

"You are really sweet Lady Satori." Jon remarked. "But not everyone is so kind to those with my title." 

"Its the world that is wrong, you are wonderful, Jon." Satori assured. This was why Satori gave up Joffrey, gave Cersei the claim, so Joffrey wouldnt be labeled as a bastard, judged before anyone got to know him properly. 

"I tell you, he loves me not." Cersei corrected Jaime.

"And whose fault is that, sweet sister?"

Bran knew he should not hear this, should not be listening that his ears and eyes were not meant for knowing what these two were speaking about. Clearly they chose the old tower far away for a reason. They didnt want anyone to hear them complaining about the king, about his father.

"You are as blind as Robert," Cersei drawled.

"If you mean I see the same thing, yes, I see a man who would sooner die than betray his king."

"He betrayed one already, or have you forgotten?" Cersei countered. Jaime scoffed a breath. "I don't deny he's loyal to Robert, that's obvious. What happens when Robert dies and Joff takes the throne? And the sooner that comes to pass, the safer we'll all be. Don't you care about Satori-"

"I love Satori." Jaime barked back. Cersei pursed her lips. 

"My husband grows more restless every day. Having Stark beside him will only make him worse." Cersei added. She wanted Jaime's love, she didnt want Roberts. Bran shifted anxiously his grasp slipping he needed to get down, he needed to run and hide and tell father. " He's still in love with the sister, the insipid little child. How long till he decides to put me aside for some new Lyanna?

"Come here and be quiet."

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now