48. Stark

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Ned was in a meeting, a hearing more like it when they docked. He sat the iron throne, a heavy sigh on his lips, he ran a tired hand over his handsome face. 

"Satori!" Cersei shouted running to her. "MYrcella! Oh!" Cersei didnt know who she was more excited to see as she held them close, she looked to Joffrey next, he stared back at her. "Hello Joff." 

"Cersei." He answered. Cersei gave a stiff nod. 

"Yep." She agreed simply. "Satori you were in dorne?" 

"I was. I..." Satori smiled back at Oberyn. "Cersei this is Oberyn Martell, he's my... Mine." Satori offered, Oberyn wrapped his arms around her as he reached of giving Cersei's hand a little dainty shake. 

"Yours?" Cersei questioned pulling Satori from Oberyns grasp. "Come, we have much to do before the wedding." 

"Mother, slow down!" Myrcella begged. "This is my betrothed, Trystane." 

"Oh, right." Cersei agreed. She looked Trystane over, he bowed before Cersei and Myrcella clung to him happily. 

"They are in love, smile." Satori nudged her. Cersei forced a smile. 

"He treats her right?" Cersei asked through gritted teeth. 

"Like a damn princess." Satori agreed. 

"Welcome, Trystane." Cersei agreed. "Come we have much to discuss." 

"Joff, can you show Oberyn around, I want to try and find Jaime." Satori remarked. "And father." 

"Of course, mother." Joffrey agreed nodding for Oberyn to follow. 

"I will see you soon me beloved." Oberyn remarked kissing her deeply. Cersei's eyed widened as she watched them.

"We need to talk about a lot." Cersei realized as she led Myrcella off. 

Satori had intended on finding Jaime and her father, but she stumbled upon the throne room hearing a familiar voice. It had been a few years, and Satori forgot how handsome Ned was. 

"Come on," Cersei remarked, "its wedding central. I need your help."

"I'm good right here for a little bit longer." satori offered.

"Come on satori." Cersei countered.

"I think im going to stay." She smiled up at ned sitting on the throne.

Ned was a handsome distraction and satori would gladly keep her eyes and mind focused on him for a little bit longer, she could be in limbo between the two of them. 

"Yeah no, come on." Cersei pulled her aside and Ned caught her gaze as Cersei turned her around. Ned stood up from the throne and marched down the steps chasing after her. 

"Ned." Satori pulled from Cersei's grasp. 

"Satori,'' He answered hugging her and they fit like a puzzle piece. Perfect match. "I... you are here." 

"I am." Satori agreed she shooed Cersei away. 

"I missed you." Ned breathed back. "You are here for the wedding," Ned realized. 

"Yes, I was in dorne and... I didnt know if you would be happy to see me or not." She admitted. 

"I am." Ned assured. 

"I... I missed you Ned, I didnt realize how much until I saw you up there on the throne and I couldnt pull my gaze away from you." Satori admitted, a blush on her cheeks. Ned held tight to her when oberyn came in. 

"Ah, you must be the famous Ned Stark."


"Satori spoke highly of you." Oberyn agreed shaking his hand. 

"You two are close." Ned realized as Oberyn put his arm around Satoris hips pulling her back possessively into him. 

"We are." Oberyn agreed kissing her neck. But Satoris gaze was stuck on Ned, Ned's on her. 


"Oberyn Martell?" Tywin tsked. 

"Yeah daddy, he's been good to me and Joff." Satori agreed. 

"I still dont understand-" Tywin began. 

"because the rumors were all true." Satori admitted. "And I was ashamed and embarrassed and Oberyn took us in, he didnt care... he loves me knowing my flaws and mistakes." Jaime stared back at them, he was happy that Satori found love with someone she didnt have to hide with. 

"Satori?" Tywin whispered touching her cheek. 

"Joff is mine." Satori whimpered. "He is my baby boy. I'm never letting anyone claim him as anything else ever again." Satori said with clear determination.

 "A mother's wrath is much more dangerous than any man." Oberyn cut in. "Hello, Lord Tywin..." 

"Prince Oberyn."  Tywin added with similar boredom. 

"Lets not fight, this is a wedding, I'm sorry the past is in the past, right? I love you and I'm- Cersei!" Satori declared. Cersei came up behind them, linking an arm with Satori's. 

"Come." Cersei agreed 

"Thanks for the rescue." Satori whispered. 

"You are not getting out of this love triangle, I still need details." Cersei assured. "Good morning." Cersei remarked fondly when she came across Myrcella and Trystane. 

"Morning mama," Myrcella answered hugging her tight. Cersei ran a hand over Myrcella's hair.

"Good morning your grace." Trystane added. 

"Satori!" Ned called out, he had been trying to get a moment alone with her since she returned but everyone wanted a piece of Satori. 

"Tough or Fluff." Cersei whispered. 

"Ned." Satori countered turning towards him. "Good morning." 

"Morning, I-"

"Lets take a walk, Stark." Joffrey countered. 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now