2. Too Late

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Cersei had a baby boy, Robert was hunting when the babe struck a fever his second day in the real world. Satori went into labor, as Cersei's baby grew weaker and weaker, Satori pushed out a strong little boy with golden tuffs on his perfect head. 

Satori cried, for she would be brandished as a harlot, a whore, she and her baby would be piraihs. Then Cersei's baby died. Satori clung to her little boy as Cersei sobbed into Satori. 

"Cersei, I have a solution." Satori whispered passing the baby off to Jaime, he smiled down at his son. "Take my baby, say you had twins. We can silence anyone that knows otherwise." Satori remarked. "You can have a child and I can stay close to my boy." 

"You would do that for me?" 

"You would be doing me a favor." Satori assured but her heart broke. 

"You will always be his mother." Cersei remarked. 

"But to the world, you will be. He will be a prince, he will praised, he will everything he could ever want and more... will you do this for me Cersei?" 

"Thank you Satori, thank you!" Cersei declared, her eyes fluttered closed as she held her sister tight. Tears flooded Satoris eyes as she looked to Jaime and their son. 

"Can I ask a favor?"

"Anything." Cersei assured. 

"I want to call him Joffrey." Satori requested. "J for his father." 

"I think thats a great idea." Cersei agreed. "Hello little Joffrey." 

Satori blinked back the tears before closing her eyes all together, the light, the sounds the world spinning around her making her dizzy. 

"The after birth." Cersei remarked as Satori felt a sting of pain as if delivering another child. 

"Satori!" Jaime knelt beside her, her lips pursed but she reached out for Joffrey, he silenced in her arms. 

"My little boy, you are a prince."


Robert was thrilled. A son, Cersei did it, wonderful. Two boys? Well, well that would have been grand damn the one had to die, the heir and the spare but he supposed they would try again. Robert pat Joffrey's little head and he wailed out. 

Cersei knew that Satori wouldnt want him to have a wet nurse, that he would feed from her, that he would spend most of his time with Satori while he was little. Cersei knew that Satori missed him when he was gone. Slept with him in her chambers and worried whenever he wasnt near. Cersei told her not to worry he was being taken care of but Satori had given up her child to her sister, whom she trusted completely but she was nervous about the rest of the world. Who would hurt her boy, who would try to steal him away, who would put a target on his back being the prince. Maybe he was better off being a bastard and just hers. 

Satori saw the world wanting a piece of her son, she didnt want to share him anymore but it was too late. 

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