47. Going Back

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"I can't believe we are going back." Satori remarked. 

"Do they know?" Sandor questioned. 

"No, no, it's going to be a surprise... Myrcella and Trystane are just smitten-"

"You worried sunshine." Sandor realized. 

"No, I'm... yes." Satori gave in. 

"Dont be, they are your family and family means something to you lot." Sandor reminded her. "You are worried about Stark?" He countered. 

"What about Ned?" Satori countered eagerly. 

"You and him..." Sandor recalled. 

"Oh, no... I mean..." Satori sighed. "I love Oberyn." 

"Yeah," Sandor drawled. 

"I love Oberyn. Ned is in the past. We never- it wasnt- it was just a crush and besides he is already married." Satori remarked. 

"And if he wasnt?" Sandor questioned. 

"Well he is and I'm engaged so it doesnt really matter." Satori countered. 


"Stop that." Satori begged. 

"What?" Sandor countered. 

"Making it seem like I dont know what I'm saying." 

"I'm just agreeing with you." Sandor corrected. 

"I know you are but you dont actually agree with me." Satori countered. 

"You want me to argue with you?" Sandor questioned confused. 

"No, yes, no." Satori shook her head confusing herself. 

"Sunshine, follow your heart." 

"Thank you sandor," Satori agreed. "But thats not really helpful because my heart is stupid." Sandor laughed out. "I can't thank you enough for going on this journey with us, I understand if you dont want to go back to the capital."

"I'm your guard sunshine, not that you need it with Oberyn around but I'm always going to be there for you." Sandor corrected. 

"I think Oberyn thinks he is going to kill your brother while we are there, for what he did to Oberyns sister and niece and nephew, all those years ago." Satori remarked. 

"He is a fool if he thinks he can kill Gregor, no one is going to kill Gregor but me." 

"Oh no, I'm going to lose both of you." Satori realized. 

"No you arent." Sandor corrected. 

"Maybe you both fight him. Together, and that way you will both live... He's scary." Satori reminded Sandor softly as if he forgot. 

"I know, which is why he needs to be put down." Sandor agreed. 

"IT's a wedding, a wedding, weddings are supposed to be for love not... death." Satori countered. 

"Dothraki customs say otherwise." Sandor countered. "What?" He questioned as she cocked her head at him. "I know how to read, your man has some interesting books... anything less than three deaths is considered a dull affair." 

They boarded the ship, Myrcella and Trystane couldnt take their hands off each other, Satori was really happy for them, of course she was. She loved Myrcella and was glad that they found real love. 

Joffrey stared out into the distance and Satori came up kissing his cheek. 

"Nymeria said she is going to be expecting extra training from me when we get back." Joffrey whispered. 

"You like her." Satori realized. Joffrey shrugged but a smile tugged at his lips. "She's a lovely girl, skilled too, so skilled."

"If you marry Oberyn thats makes her my sister, thats weird." Joffrey countered. 

"Step siblings but... no, love it love." Satori assured. "Are you excited to be seeing your aunt and little tommen? Your uncle Jaime?" 

"Not really." Joffrey admitted honestly. 

"Oh, well... I am." Satori remarked. "I miss them." Joffrey nodded knowing his mother would miss her family but Joffrey loved Satori, he didnt care about the rest of the world as love as he had his mother. "Your grandsire will be there too." She added. 

"You think he will be impressed at what Oberyn has been teaching me?" Joffrey questioned. 

"I know it." Satori agreed. 

"What are you telling people? About why we left?" Joffrey questioned softly. 

"Well..." Satori was hoping to think on what she was going to say for the rest of the journey before they got there. "I'm still debating the right words to say." 

"I dont want to pretend." Joffrey remarked. "I want to be your son, not Cersei's fake son. I dont want the throne." Joffrey decided. "I want to go back to Dorne after this." Satori nodded. 

"Then we shall go back." Satori assured. She didnt think Ned would allow a bastard to rule anyways but ned always had a way of surprising her. 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now