45. Rainbow Climbing

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"You think?" Satori questioned tucking Loreza and Elia in for the night. Joffrey had no longer wanted to be babied, Satori knew he would outgrow her tuck ins and nightly kisses but she still made him give her a hug before bed every night. Satori was still joffreys favorite person but he was becoming his own man and she was proud of him for that.

"I want to get to the end of the rainbow and then, climb the rainbow, like a multicolored ladder." Elia agreed.

"That would be exciting but what if the rainbow is like the sun." Satori countered laying beside her.

"What do you mean?"

"You are not supposed to look directly at the sun." Satori reminded her. "What if you can't touch a rainbow?"

"Thats silly, I'm going to climb a rainbow one day." Elia corrected. Satori giggled into her.

Oberyn smiled at the door watching them laughing. It was nice that the girls got a mother as sweet as satori. Oberyn took a step back blowing elia a kiss goodnight before satori blew out the candles.

"Rainbow climbing?"

"What can I say? Your daughter is adventurous." Satori agreed. His fingers laced with hers as they walked.

"I think you will proud to know I kicked trystane out of myrcellas chambers." Oberyn remarked.

"They will be wed soon enough. They can wait." Satori agreed.

"I personally thinking waiting is a bore. As do you... now." Oberyn corrected.

"Love me." Satori agreed simply. Her hand fell from his as they got to the bed chamber. Oberyn smiled as he closed the door seeing her dress fall to her feet. He tripped trying to fet to her while taking off his pants. She smiled back at him laying him down on the bed. He smiled up at her. She felt his eager cock perk up ready.

Her lips parted, and the green in her eyes almost disappeared as she lifted up, gripping his dick to position it at her opening. Achingly slow, she slid down his length until he filled her to the hilt.

"Oh, fuck... satori. Yes," oberyn breathed back. Helping her get started, he held on to her hips and shifted her back and forth. That was all she needed. She fell forward with a moan, resting her palms on his chest and lifted up just to sink down again. Again, and again, she rode him, finding a rhythm that drove them both fucking insane.

"Sevens Satori. Look at you." Oberyn rasped. She bit her lip and dropped her eyes from his, not stopping.

Reaching up, oberyn brushed her hair back and waited for her to look at him. Wanting to see those green eyes that transfixed him.

"You're a glorious queen. Taking my cock however you want." Oberyn praised. Her lush lip popped free, and she smiled, picking up the pace. She leaned back with the most delicious smirk on her mouth. She liked being in control. She liked that oberyn loved her wanted her.

Her back arched, making her bouncing tits all oberyn saw. Needing to taste her, he sat up and latched on, wrapping his arm around her waist to help her ride him harder.

They lost their rhythm, a mass of need and desire twisted together, racing for the finish. She whimpered and ground on him with each pass, and he needed her to come before he lost his control and came first. He was a gentleman. He wanted to please her. He slid his hand between their bodies, pinching her slick clit between his fingers as he bit around her breasts.

"Oberyn. Oberyn. Yes. Oberyn." She screamed. She was coming and he knew it.

"That's it, baby. Feel it. Love me." Oberyn agreed. She wrapped her arms around his head and went wild, screaming her pleasure, ripping his own orgasm from him. He groaned into her skin and dug his hands into her back, needing to hold her to him. Satori panted for breath before she met his gaze.

"Wow," she breathed, it was all she could think or rather not think. Her brain went fuzzy. He kissed his way up her chest to her lips. He didn't know how long they spent connected kissing and touching, but oberyn planned on taking full advantage of tasting her lips every chance he got. She didn't hesitate, sliding her tongue into his mouth, feeding off oberyns own desperation.

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now