44. Ravish

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Giddy Up! / Harwin Strong out now!!

Noting the look on Satori's face, he reached between her thighs and pressed firmly down on her clit, causing her to jolt beneath his touch. 

Oberyn's voice was deepening. He could locate the clit. Not that she doubted him but Cersei always said men didnt know what they were doing under pressure or not under pressure. Staring her down now as he traced along her delicate bud, he knew what he was doing and he wasnt going to stop.  Biting her lip, she leaned forward until her lips brushed against his jaw, delighting in the way he stilled.

 "Please, Oberyn. I need you," she whispered, ensuring he can hear every note of desperation that traveled through her. A deep growl rumbled in the base of his throat as she drifted her mouth toward his, coming so close before he pulled back. Denying her his lips, he grabbed her waist and lifted her up, relieving her trembling arms from supporting her weight. Spinning her around, he set Satori down.

Their positions now reversed, he weaved his arms under her knees, grabbed her hips, and roughly tugged her toward him. 

His finger teased the edge of her dress at the apex of her thighs, creating a full-body shiver strong enough to make her teeth chatter. Then, his gaze dropped as he slowly slid her dress, baring her completely. He hissed between his teeth.

 "So fucking pretty," he murmured before placing a slow, soft kiss directly on her clit, glancing up at her as he does. She inhaled sharply, disappointed when he retreats. 

"Is that the type of kiss you wanted?" he taunted, sparing her another glance before his eyes gravitate back down like he can't stand to look away. He wanted this, he wanted her for so long and now he finally saw his target and his cock throbbed for access. 

 "No," she whimpered. "I'm sure the great Oberyn Martell can do better than that." 

"Can I?" he mused. "How would I do that? Use my tongue?" Right as the last word leaves said tongue, his glorious tongue, it darts out, lashing at her clit before disappearing between his teeth. She groaned, her hips involuntarily rolling toward his mouth, desperately seeking what he's so cruelly depriving her of. SHe finally said yes, take her and he was going to torment her. 

 "Yes, like that," Satori mewled, her legs beginning to tremble. Arousal was quickly gathering low in her stomach, and her suddenly very needy cunt throbbed from how potent it is. 

"Like that," he echoed, licking at her clit again. Though this time was slower, causing her to shudder from how fucking good it felt. She didnt know it could feel like this.  

"Don't stop," she gasped, her head falling back and her legs widening. Another moan bounced off the walls when he heeds her request, sensually curling his tongue as he would if it were in her mouth waging war against her own. 

Satori found herself desperate to experience that, too, because he can kiss. She knew he could, he kissed the hell out of her. And without a shadow of a doubt, she knew this man can fuck just as well. She just knew it. He groaned against her.

 "You taste better than the sweetest wine, and I could fucking drink you forever." Oberyn purred and Satori knew how high of a tolerance and how refined his palate was that was high praise for sure. 

Her heart stutters, and her hips swivel, grinding against his mouth as he tasted her, drinking from her like a sorrowful man desperate to escape through a bottle. The stubble on his jaw only serves to heighten the pleasure, making her grind harder against him. He sucks on her clit, earning a sharp moan followed by his name, and it's like watching a flower blossom with the way he comes alive. 

The way he came alive for her and only her. The veins threading throughout his arms swell, and she could see the tension gather in his shoulders as he brought her closer, the entirety of his mouth covering her cunt me like he can't get enough —eat enough, consume enough—of her. 

"Open wider, Satori, I need more of you." Oberyn instructed. She was quick to do as he requested, hiking her knees as far up as she could. His tongue explored every inch of her, plunging inside her cunt and gathering her dripping arousal on the tip before dipping even lower and laving at her tight entrance.

It was crazy to think but her body only seemed to beg for more. It's when his mouth closed over her clit again, sucking in deeply while lashing it with ferocity, that her knees snapped inward, nearly crushing his skull between her thighs it seemed, thats what it felt like at least. If this was just this, not even sex she didnt know that they would survive that. 

Her eyes roll to the back of her head, and her surroundings dissipate, all of her senses honing in on the sensations radiating from beneath his persistent mouth. Breathless screams are pouring from her throat, the orgasm building low in her stomach was reaching a sharpened peak, and her desperation to reach it is ruthless. He pried her thighs apart, holding one down with his arm while his other hand swipes up her slit, the only warning he granted her before two of his fingers sink inside her, drawing out a high-pitched moan while he curls them up and fucked her with them. 

Just when it becomes too much, he retreats, and she felt her soul slump inside her, spent from the most world-bending orgasm she had ever experienced. Maybe the only real one she experienced. 

 "That," she gasped, out of breath, "was not normal, right?" Satori questioned, her legs were shaking, and aftershocks ravage her being as he lifted himself up and crawled over her.

"That was magical." He confirmed.   "And now I want to see you come like that all over my cock." He leaned down, sending chills skating across her flesh as he whispered, "I won't stop until you do."

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now