Chapter 49 - Pancake Mornings

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Chapter forty nine


I turned to my side to see Nathan's arm draped around me, fast asleep. Our bodies were in such an odd position yet it seemed more than comfortable.

I couldn't even remember how we ended up this way. All I remembered was us deciding to watch a movie in bed after dinner.

I turned over to the other side to see that it was quarter to 9 in the morning. Mom was most definitely up by now and it'd be wrong for me to do anything but give her a long hug. Though I think brushing my teeth would be good right now.

As I made my way out from the on suite bathroom that was in my room, I heard a groan. Just as I had expected, I was faced with a groggy Nathan, fingers rubbing his eyes as he let out a yawn.

'Morning,' he smiled sheepishly; also seeming so darn irresistible.

'Good morning, Nathan' I tied my hair up into a messy bun whilst watching him slowly attempt to get out of bed.

'Babe, it's fine if you wanna sleep in, you know?'

'No, I'm awake. I think,' he muttered before I cupped his face. 'Why are you so god damn beautiful even at this time of day?' He lips murmured against my neck.

'You aren't too bad yourself, Sykes' I dipped in and placed a kiss on his soft, pink lips. 'You wanna join me downstairs or get more sleep? I'll save some breakfast for you?'

'No no no,' his fingers were playing with mine, 'that'd be rude. I'll join you, just give me a minute'

'Alrighty, Nathaniel' I noticed his glare and laughed to myself before he disappeared into the bathroom.


'Nathan, it's just breakfast, not a photo shoot' I watched as he failed continuously to get his hair to look the way he pleased; in what way, even I don't have a clue.

He sighed before slipping on a dark blue beanie. I stood up from the position I was in on the bed, just a few seconds ago and walked towards him. One hand lacing my fingers with his, whilst I stared straight into his green eyes.

'You look cute, so shut up' I grinned before placing another kiss on his lips. I swear, I've been wanting this way too long.

Hey, don't judge me for wanting to kiss my boyfriend over and over again, alright? A girl can't help it if she's been craving it half of her life.

I sure as hell wasn't lying when I said he looked cute though.

'What if your mum doesn't like me?' He suddenly said as we walked out of my room.

'I doubt that. You know how charming you are,' he grinned at my words before cupping my face.

'I love you, you know?'

'How could you not,' I laughed as I made my way downstairs.

As expected, my mom was already making some pancakes, in her favourite grey robe - she did have clothes underneath so, erase all those nasty thoughts.

'Mommaaaaa' I hugged her from behind, catching her by surprise. 'I've missed youuuu' I whispered into her shoulder as she turned around to face me.

'I've missed you too, darling' she smiled before both our gazes focused on Nathan.

'Um, this is-' I was about to speak when Nathan interrupted.

'I'm Nathan, lovely to meet you Mrs Scott' he extended his hand.

'When I'm glad I can finally meet Lea's boy, and please call me Laura,'

I was mentally killing myself. I knew that there'd be numerous times on this trip where I'd be severely embarrassed by my mother.

Whilst my mother continued to pour some pancake batter onto the pan, I grabbed some plates for us, along with some chocolate and maple syrup.

'Lea's boy, huh?' Nathan nudged me in the shoulder, 'shut up!' I retorted, already feeling my cheeks heat up.

The three of us sat on the dining table while indulging into the freshly made pancakes. To my surprise, mom and Nathan wouldn't stop talking. It was odd how I felt like the third wheel and they didn't seem to notice. Then again, I'd rather have it be this way than them despise each other. By now you'd be able to tell how different my parents were.

A/N; i'm so sorry i've been MIA for so long! i've been on my midterm break and haven't been able to get myself to write. i know this is very short compared to my usual chapters. also, thank you for waiting. i'll try to update again tonight!
hope you like it xxo

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