chapter six

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Chapter six
Sawyer's POV,

I felt someone shake me, as I opened my eyes slowly.

"Wake up," Nathan said softly.

"5 more minutes?" I whined.

"No! I'm supposed to get you back before sunrise!! I wouldn't wanna get into trouble with your parents!"

"Parent," I corrected him.

He looked confused but I walked into the bathroom before he could ask me anything.

"Could you pass me my clothes from yesterday" I ask from the bathroom.

"Here," Nathan handed me a clean t'shirt and some sweats, "Just use these, I'll put your clothes for wash and get it back to you when I see you," he smiled and excused himself.

"If you see me," I say.

"No. When I see you," he teases, before going into the kitchen.

He hands me a hot cup of tea as we both sit in the kitchen.

"Do you ever drink anything that isn't tea?" I question.

"Nope. An average person's body is 70% water... well, mine's 70% tea,"

"That's healthy," I mock, "you do make a mean cup of tea though,"

"thank you very much," he says proudly.

I'm guessing he took pride in tea-making.

Nathan noticed me shivering and ran up to his room.

"I think you need this," he said, handing me the hoodie from last night.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I put it on.

"Well, ready to leave then?" He grabbed his keys.

"Yep" I followed him behind.


"Should I like, come in and apologize to your mum or something?" He asked nervously, as we were parked across my dad's house.

"N-no. You don't have to do that. My mum's in California. And my dad's only up at half past six,"

"Oh.. Um.. Okay" he responded, clearly not wanting to pry.

"My mum and dad got a divorce when I was about four and ever since then he's stayed in Gloucester and I've stayed with my mum in Cali. I've been visiting him every summer with Hannah since I was 10,"

"You didn't really have to explain it but-"

"I did," I cut him off. "So, I hear that music is basically your life" I smiled.

"Yeah, it is. Can't survive without it, actually" I caught him smile a little.

"It was nice having you stay the night, Lea," he smiled. "Oh, is it alright if I call you that? I kinda like it,"

'Yeah, of course you can.. How did you know to call me that though? Your mom and Jess only know me as Sawyer.." I ask.

"Hannah called you Lea when you first came over," he smiles.

"Well, I had a good time too, Sykes"

He was surprised at the sound of me calling him by his last name.

"Sykes eh? I see, I see." He said as he grabbed my phone.

"Excuse you," I retort.

"Shh.. Don't worry. I'm not stalking your nude selfies," he laughed. "Kidding!"

I finally got my phone back to see that he had keyed in his number.

"You could also call me Nath, by the way," he said as he left.

I felt something tingly in my stomach. I had never felt this before.

So what they say is true. The butterflies thing.

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