Chapter 24 - Guilt

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A/N; Omg guys I'm so sorry for the lack of updating. I've just been busy with school and haven't been able to bring myself to write any of my fanfics. Really really sorry!


Sawyer's POV,

November 21st.


The buzzing of my phone had interrupted my sleep.

'Hello?' My sleepy voice asked.

'Sawyer, honey? It's Mrs. Liedman' she said.

Mrs. Liedman was Dad's neighbour back in Gloucester. Her family was incredibly welcoming and always cheerful. It's a shame that her kids both left to separate countries for their studies but I'm sure she's proud of them.

She has Mr. Liedman anyway.

'Oh, hey Mrs. Liedman. Are you alright?'

'I know it's late it LA, sweetie but your Dad had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital'

My heart stopped.

Panic rushed through my head. Panic, then shock.

'Sawyer?' She called out.

'Ye-yeah? I'm here' I stuttered.

'Don't panic, honey. He should be fine now but I thought I'd call you and let you know, just in case.'

'Yeah, thanks' I said.

'I'll call you once I get more information on him. Take care, darling.' She hung up.

I took three breaths before I could just take everything in.

I began to throw clothes into my suitcase and freshened up a little.

I threw on a hoodie along with leggings and some Dr Marten's.

'Mum' I shook her, trying to wake her up.

It was minutes before she finally opened her eyes.

'Lea, what's wrong?' She asked while rubbing her eyes.

'D-dad had a heart attack. Mrs. Liedman called and informed me. I booked the latest flight to London, it's at 5:30am. If I leave now, I'll just barely be able to make it.'

She interrupted me. 'I'll drive you' she said as she was about to sit up.

'No, no. Mum, you rest. I've got it covered. I'll text you the moment I get on the plane.' I leaned in and kissed her cheek. 'Love you'


'Uh, I'm looking for the room Mr. Ed Scott's in. I'm his daughter' I said to the nurse at the counter.

'Ah,' she began to type something in on the computer. 'He's on the third floor, room 23A' she said as I rushed back to the lift.

I was finally at the room.

I opened the door to see him laying there, just like years ago with a bunch or machines attached to him.

'Dad' I gasped as I dropped my bags.

I rushed to his side and held his hand.

He wasn't awake. He seemed like he was in a really bad state.

Just then, a nurse walked in with some papers and a glass of water that she set on the side table.

'You must be Ms. Scott' she smiled.

'Yeah' I forced a smile. 'Is-is he gonna be okay?'

'It's hard to tell. It wasn't just a minor heart attack' she said.

'Would it have helped if he had gotten to the hospital sooner?' I then asked.

'Not really. It would've helped if someone were to stop him from smoking as many cigarettes as he did' she noticed me sighing. 'Don't lose hope, sweetie.' She said, trying to comfort me.

I didn't know how I felt, I didn't know what to feel. I just didn't understand anything. It's not like I could've been here but it would've helped if I at least texted him more.


'Thanks' I said to the taxi driver as I shut the door.

I turned around - facing Dad's house and just stared at if for a second before realizing how stupid I must've looked.

I unlocked the door and so many memories came rushing back to me.

I can't help but feel guilty for it.

Dad only smoked when he was stressed out and me leaving Gloucester by surprise definitely wouldn't have been easy for him.

Stop, Lea.

You're here to have a shower, make yourself look a little more decent and grab some of Dad's stuff.

Not to recap on memories and blame yourself.


Nathan's POV,


I was playing a not so friendly game of FIFA with Ollie online when Jess came bursting through the front door with loads of bags in hand.

'Shopping? Again?' I rolled my eyes.

'A girl never has too many clothes, Nathan. Never' she smiled widely.

'Yeah, sure' I said sarcastically. 'Did you get my drink?'

'Yes, yes' she said, placing it on the kitchen counter.

'Thaaaaaank you' I smiled as I paused the game and went to get it.

'Don't keep Ollie waiting too long' Jess winked.

'No no, he needs to learn to wait'

'Oh' Jess said, remembering something. 'Guess who I saw today?'

'You know I hate guessing' I said.

'Ugh, downer' she threw something at me. 'It was Sawyer'

Lea, my mind corrected her, which took me by surprise.

'No, it probably wasn't. She's supposed to be in New York' I said, taking another sip.

'No, I'm pretty sure it was her. I was driving pass her house, on the way to the mall when I spotted a brunette in and some boots making her way into the house' she said as she ran up to her room.

Hoodie and boots.

That does sound a lot like Lea but why would she be in Gloucester?

Forget it, Nathan.

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