Chapter 54 - Harmless McMuffins

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Chapter fifty-four.

In a few short hours, I'd gone from having dinner with the person I love to overlooking the Los Angeles skyline whilst the stars shone brightly above us, with the exact same person; Nathan.

I had absolutely no idea as to where we were, or how we'd even gotten here. But it didn't matter, none of it did. The only thing that mattered was this moment.

"How's this for a date, then?" He asked, half grinning.

"Very, very good." I say, "Another point, Sykes"

Whilst my eyes peer up to the sky full of stars, in literate form and in no way related to the Coldplay song, I notice his gaze fixated on me through my peripheral vision.

"You've always had a thing for night skies," he pecked my cheeks, "Nothing's changed"

I smile at the thought of it all. Us, and everything we've been through. Sure, to most it was just amateur teenage love but it was much, much more. There's not a day that goes by where i'm not extremely grateful (that not even being a good enough word) to have this person, this man, right beside me.

"That's a good thing." I say once my eyes are locked into his, "'Cause I wouldn't change a thing. Not one"

I felt his lips slowly, softly peck at my neck. His lips left kisses up to my jaw, sooner leading to my lips. A soft moan leaves my lips when I feel his touch. I want him, need him.

Seconds later, I was on his lap, my hands wrapped around his neck, and our lips pressed against one another. My hands found their way down to the belt of his pants when he pulled away slightly, "baby, we're in public" he murmured.

"So what?" I retort, "There's, nobody, here," I say in between kisses. I myself would admit to feeling a little more needy than I'd usually be. In a different way. I craved him in a way too deep to even describe at this point.

"Babe," he muttered as I undid his belt, his voice deepening. "Ssh," I whisper, "We've got an abundance of blankets beneath us, not a soul in sight, and a beautiful view. It'd be a shame to waste it," I say as he takes a deep breath before saying, "You sure are convincing, Sawyer."

"Stop talking, Nathaniel"

A few intimate kisses and teases later, I stop as his fingers touch the hooks of my bra, "We can't go to third base just yet, mate" I say, "As far as I know, neither of us have a condom and I can't handle getting knocked up"

"Mate," he emphasises, "I've gotta go get a ring then. I'd rather have you be my wife than just my baby momma" His tone was dead serious which confused me.

"Nathan, don't say that. Y-you know I can't be a mom and we can't just run to Vegas and get married unofficially" I say, extremely panicked, "I mean, it's not you. You know I love you more than words can comprehend and I can't see myself marrying anyone else it's just–" My voice got cut off by his lips against mine.

"I was kidding, Lea" he says, "I love you"

"God," I mutter. "I love you, so much."


I tossed and turned multiple times before my mind could comprehend last night's events. I look to my right and am faced with a Nathan who's deep in sleep and I realised that him and I had fallen asleep after lots of talking and lots more kissing.

It takes me a minute or two of panicking until I finally find my phone, only to find out that it was 4:45 in the morning. Well, crap.

I look down at him and the last thing I'd want to do is wake him. Especially since he looks extremely peaceful and vulnerable. I start by packing up the pillows and blankets and tossing them into the trunk.

Once I was done with everything, I leaned down beside Nathan and ran my fingers through his messy hair before murmuring his name multiple times; which did not work. I opt for a less passive attempt by nudging him in the shoulders, not too hardly until he groans and rubs his eyes.

"Morning," I laugh at how unamused he is at my mood. "It's like 2 in the morning, c'mere," he says, motioning for me to get closer.

"Nathan, it's almost five. We fell asleep here last night, on grass" I say, "We could've gotten kidnapped or even worse, murdered"

"Lea, you're on drugs,"

"I will be once i'm forced to leave you here," I retort, "C'mon, I'll drive. Just get up, your back must be killing you"

"No, I'll drive," is all that he says. I groan before standing up and taking a few steps to the car, that is until he calls out to me, "Hmm?" I look behind and realise that he's fine before walking back to the car.

I feel his hands on my hips, and I am now faced with his green eyes, "Aren't you going to give me a kiss good morning?" His lips immediately curve into a smile and I mentally roll my eyes at his change of mood, "Fine," I give in before our lips touch and I get into the car.

"Good morning to you too, sunshine" He mocks.

Twenty minutes into the drive and my eyes were focused on the roads and the cars passing, almost falling asleep until Nathan taking the wrong turn caused me to snap into reality.

"Babe, you missed the turn" I say softly, his grip on my hands tightening, "Positive I didn't" He smiles and i'm about to debate him until I realise where he's turning into.


"Oh-" I'm interrupted by his hand pressed against my lips, "before you argue against it, Breakfast starts in like ten minutes and a McMuffin does no harm, love"

I sigh before smiling the biggest smile. He's the biggest dork I've ever come across, thus far. Here we were, sat in the parking lot of McDonald's at an ungodly hour, waiting for them to start serving breakfast. Not to mention, after we'd just spent the night sleeping by some hill, overlooking Los Angeles.

It's like he read my thoughts when he says, "Best date ever?," before taking my hand in his, bringing it up to his face and kissing it.

A/N: I just realized that half of this chapter had cut off when I posted it and i'm so frickin sorry. I just rewrote the second half as fast as I could, I hope it's alright. Again, i'm sorry! and hope you like it x

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