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Day 463.
Thirteenth October 2016.

"Is the blindfold really necessary? I mean I could get severely hurt," I question as we get out of the cab.

"Yes, Scott, it is. Now hush and let me surprise you for once" he says, and I sigh in defeat. After getting through what seemed like a huge crowd, we were where in the place, restaurant, club, arena? I had zero clue.

"Now, we're a little late but there's still plenty to enjoy, okay?" He says, and I start to hear music along with a massive crowd. It was a concert. "Take off this blindfold already, Leed" I retort and he does exactly that.

I blink a few times before realizing we were surrounded by a huge crowd of screaming fans. Not to mention, we were sat at the fourth row from the front. After being extremely oblivious, I face the stage and notice familiar faces. The intro to another song begins and that too feels all too familiar. Please, no.

The Wanted.

You'd think that I would've noticed sooner seeing as I was surrounded by girls wearing merchandise and tons of signs; but of course I didn't.

"I found your iPod and the only songs that were on that thing was theirs. You've always talked about wanting to go to a concert, it's our three month anniversary. I had to do something, right?" He smiles, optimistically.

I couldn't help but love him, and the effort that he'd put into this, despite the fact that I wanted to run straight out of here, "thank you, honestly. I love you more than you know, Ashton Leed" My lips press against his.

Finally, the moment I've been dreading for the past year hits me. The sight of him. White shirt, black jacket, cup of tea in one hand; Nathan James Sykes.

I manage to pull through for most of the concert. I tried focusing on just the music; though my eyes couldn't help but find their way back to him, wherever he wandered on the stage. The five of them were back after a quick outfit change. This time they were all on their instruments; including Nathan.

I hadn't caught the name of the song but I smiled the moment Max started to sing. God, I had good laughs with him.

"And I hear them whispering when I pass, saying to each other is that the man with a broken heart, 'cause you tore it apart," his voice echoes throughout the room and I feel my chest get heavy.

Pull it together, Lea. "Now everybody knows my name, everybody feels my pain. But you don't even care, you're so unaware and I'm left to deal with the shame. Now everybody knows that I'm, just a bum without you by my side. Welcome to the show, everybody knows; everyone but you,"

This song was beautifully written; the lyrics, the music. I just couldn't bare to listen to it while feeling like I was at fault; like I caused this song. I felt naive and fragile. Something I haven't felt in a while.

"If I died today, would you even come. Written on my grave was that here lied someone with a broken heart; cause she tore it apart," tears start rolling down my cheeks; seeming like an automatic response as his voice gets louder. I clench my fist in attempts to get myself to stop crying.

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