Chapter 58 - Muffled Voices

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Chapter fifty eight

I woke up, in Nathan's room. The boy I was ever so in love with had his arm draped around me, and I was in his brace. I couldn't help but rehash the amount of times this has happened.

Deja Vu; my conscience cried.

Except, the usual sunlight that'd be glaring through the blinds weren't there. I checked the time on my phone and it was quarter past six in the morning. It never fails to amaze me at how accustomed my body is to the time difference.

Instead of laying in bed any longer, nor having a shower and cleaning myself up, I opt to make myself a cup of tea. I found myself sat on the couch with a blanket wrapped around me, with my tea in hand.

In the many times I've stayed the night, I've never been up this early. Hence why I had no clue as to what time Nathan's mum would be up and ready for work.

Too infatuated by my thoughts, I failed to notice how much time has passed, since the sun was already rising. The sky was a mix of purple and pink, almost mimicking cotton candy. There's nothing I loved more.

I hear a door open and moments later, as expected, Karen walks out in a red robe or dressing gown, as the Brits say. I had expected her to be shocked, surprised, but she wasn't. Not one bit.

"Lea, darling!" She coos before she hurries to bring me into one of her hugs, "It's so good to see you"

I smile into her shoulders before we both pull away, "it's good to see you too, Karen"

"Look at me, you've only been gone a little over a week and I'm acting like I haven't seen you for ages" she can't help but hide her smile, "C'mon, I'll fix you a cup of tea and you can tell me all about it"

Her eyes dart down to the empty mug in my hands that was once filled with tea, "Another cup of tea" she simply smiles and I follow behind her, into the kitchen.

I had told her everything my brain could possibly remember; from when Nathan bugged me through the flight, him being extremely positive that he wanted a dog when we were in PetSmart, us going to Six Flags with Hannah and a few other friends, me obviously dragging him onto a roller coaster, him actually liking it.

"My mom's extremely fond of him, that's for sure" I say and she laughs, "he's always been a mummy pleaser, that boy"

"Don't I know it" I respond.

"Listen, you know he's going to be asleep for bloody ages. I was thinking we could spend some time together, outside of this house and kitchen" Karen says, "we could go into London, if you'd like. Perhaps get some shopping done? I was planning on it anyway"

"I'd love to, actually" I smile.

"Good, I could use the company"


1:32 p.m

Four hours. We've been here four hours. Not that I was complaining, since it was nice to get some fresh air when London wasn't so busy. Sure, some stores weren't open yet but Karen and I couldn't help but think walk into every shop that was.

And now, four hours later, both of us have got abundance of bags in hand, or on the floor, since we decided on some brunch.

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