chapter five

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Chapter five
Sawyer's POV.

I was looking through the pictures of Nathan in his room. He seemed so familiar but I couldn't wrap my head around who he was.

I then sat down on the bed, bored as hell. I surprisingly didn't have my phone with me. I had left it on the kitchen counter.

The clock on his dresser showed that it was already 9:45pm. His get together had to be done by now.

I suddenly heard a knock on the door. Someone was trying to open the door.

I didn't respond as I wasn't sure who it was. It could've been one of his friends and if they heard a female's voice, they would've gotten suspicious.

"It's me, Nathan. Nobody's here, Lea" it was weird hearing him say my name. "Now would you open the door?"

I opened it to see Nathan stood there, he looked extremely exhausted.

"You really need some rest," I said, walking him to his bed.

"I'm fine" he mumbled.

"Nathan," I gave him a look.

"Okay, okay. I'm extremely exhausted,"he tried to smile.

"Get into some comfy clothes. I'll make you some tea," I said as I showed myself to the kitchen.

"Two sugars!" He yelled from upstairs.

"Yeah, yeah okay!" I yelled in response.


"There you go," I said, carefully handing him his cuppa.

"Thank you," he said, mocking a kid's voice.

"So you needed to talk?"He asked as he patted the bed, wanting me to sit in front of him.

"Erm, yeah.. Why'd you avoid me today?" I asked, nervously.

"I.. Well, this is gonna make me sound like a complete dick but what's the point in lying. Well, my friends expect a lot from me. They want me to be like them. They want me to be that guy, the guy that sleeps with tons of girls every night and doesn't know how to treat a girl the way she should be treated.
I'm really sorry for today. I didn't mean to ignore you and I sure hope I didn't hurt you in any way," I could see the sincerity in his face.

"It's alright Nathan"

He smiled.


"Mhm" he took a sip of his tea.

"Why do you do it?" I asked.

"Do what exactly?"

"This act. Why do you have this act? I know you aren't this person you act to be. You're different around me and then there's your friends. Why would you want to fake who you actually are? I don't know you that well but I do know you're a beautiful person. You're generous and kind and you have such a good heart,"

"I-I can't tell you"

"Why not?" I cut him off.

"Just.. not today. I'll tell you, one day"

"Promise?" I asked, holding my pinky out.

"Promise." He smiled.

"Well, it's getting late, I really think I should leave," I said, looking at the time.

"No, you're kidding. It's too late for you to leave.. Please stay. Just tonight, I promise I'll get you back before sunrise." He made puppy dog eyes.

"But what am I gonna wear?"

He immediately walked to his closet and pulled out a hoodie and some sweat pants.

"There," he said, handing me the clothes, "problem solved"


"Something wrong?" He asked.

"Erm, I gotta change" I said.

"You can change here"


"Fine I'll look away. God," he groans.

"No peeking!" I yelled.

"Okay, okay"


"Turn the lights off before coming, would you?" Nathan asked as he put his phone away.

"Okay," I said before walking towards the bed. Wait, were we meant to share the bed? Did my brain not process this the moment I agreed to stay over?

"We can share a bed, you prude. I won't touch you" he jokes.

Hesitantly, I get into the left side of the bed and yet again, I'm practically a corpse; frozen and completely still.

Nathan practically read my mind and felt obvious discomfort that I was feeling as he placed a pillow between the two of us; like some sort of barricade.

"Better?" He smiled.

"Much better"


a/n: so much dialogue in this i wanna PUKE... didn't want to change it up too much so just bear with that ok :')

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