chapter nine

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Chapter nine
Nathan's POV,

"So, what you been up to Nath?" Max asked.

"Nothing much. I've been writing but I just don't feel like any of them are good enough to record."

"Ah, c'mon. You're a talented little one. I'm sure whatever you've written so far aren't half as bad as you think they are"

"I miss it, mate. I miss touring, I miss the craziness before each show, I miss Tom's mess on the tour bus, I miss wanting to puke over Jay's stinky feet. I miss you boys," I said, trying to grasp everything that's happened.

"I know, Nath. I miss it too, all of us do. But we made decisions, mate. We did what we though was right at that time." Max said.

"It's only been a few months, mate. I can't take it any more. How are the boys? Have you heard from them? Bird? Tom? Seev?" I asked.


Max stopped as Lea walked in.

"Um, sorry. I was just looking for a drink. Didn't mean to interrupt one of your deep bromance conversations," she said.

"It's alright, darling. There's plenty of drinks in the fridge. Would you like a glass?" Max asked.

"No, it's alright but thanks. I think I'll just take a can of coke," she grabbed one can out of the fridge.

"For me? Thanks" I said as I took the one she was holding, away from her.

"Geez, if you wanted one, you could've just asked" she said annoyingly but with a smile and walked to the living room.

She obviously couldn't be annoyed with me no matter how hard she tried.


Lea and I were sat in the living room when Max walked in.

The two of us had decided on a game of FIFA since we're laddy lads that do lad stuff.

"Here," here threw me a controller.

"Ah, I think I'm rooting for Max," Lea said, fully intending on getting on my nerves.

"I'll pay ya later,"Max winked.

"You'll take that back, missy" I said.

She stuck her tongue out, like a little 5 year old. Which in my defense, was kinda adorable.

Wait, what?


"GOAL!!!!" I yelled as the game ended.

United 4-3 City

"I told you, you'd take it back" I said to Lea.

"Fine, since you're so good, why not I play with you" she said.

"Oh I'd love to see this," Max handed her the controller.

"You're kidding right?" I said.

"Well, I haven't played in quite a while so you'll probably win, but I doubt one game will hurt right?" She said, cheekily. I wasn't sure if she was kidding or not.

"Game on, Lea"


"C'mon Neymar!! YOU CAN DO IT! GO GO GO" I heard Lea yell.

"You do know he can't hear you," I said.

"Oh like you weren't yelling earlier"

"She's got a point!" Max interrupted.

"YES! YES! I DID ITTTTTTTTTTT" she threw her hands in the air and started jumping.

"Don't mean to gloat" she winked.

United 2-5 Barça

"I'm guessing you lied when you said you haven't played in a while" I said.

She just let out a smile. 'Never underestimate me, Sykes,"

"I'd hate to interrupt you lot but I'm getting hungry. Pizza maybe?" Max asked.

"That sounds good" Lea said, and I agreed.


Sawyer's POV

"You want the last one?" Nathan asked.

"Um, no. I'm really, really full" I said, rubbing my tummy.

"Fine, more for me, then" he smiled widely.

I walked over to the kitchen to wash my plate.

"Excuse me, boys. I think it's about time I have my shower" I smiled and made my way upstairs.

"I'll join ya later!" Nathan teased.

"I think I'll pass," I let out a cheeky smiled and Max laughed.

I had put my phone on my charger and messages kept coming in. I was having too much fun until I had forgotten about dad. I mean, it's not like I ran away... I just went on a little road trip, right?

I doubt replying him is the best thing to do. It's been such a fun night, wouldn't want a text to ruin that. I'll just talk to him when I get back. That is if he doesn't already kill me.


I was drying my hair with a towel when Nathan walked in.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I'll leave," he said, as he covered his eyes.

"No, no. It's fine. I'm already changed anyway," I smiled.

"Oh yeah, you are changed. My bad."

I swear he could be so adorable sometimes, even without trying.

"So, how we gonna work out this sleeping thing?" He asked.


"You could stay in this room and I'll stay in the one beside Max's room since you're already comfortable in here," he smiled and grabbed his bag.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"No worries," he said, before making his way out.

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