Chapter 21 - Troubled, Needy Friend

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A/N; vv short chapter, I know. So much drama happened today, with the fusion fest gig and shit. Nathan doesn't deserve hate. That's all I've got to say.


Chapter twenty-one

Nathan's POV,


'Mate, how's Sawyer' Max asked, since we were alone.

I had the urge to correct him and say her name's Lea, but I didn't.

'I wouldn't know' I said.

'C'mon Nath, I saw you guys in Manchester. You two were all loved up and extremely close. You don't just give that away. Knowing you, you'd never give up someone as great as her' he continued.

'I didn't "give her up". She was never mine, how could I give up something that never belonged to me? I told you, mate. She was just a fling. I was bored, I wanted a little fun. Nothing wrong with that'

'Certainly nothing wrong with fun' he mumbled. 'But what really'

I cut him off. 'Nothing happened. Nothing was gonna happened. It was just an innocent summer fling. Okay?' I left the room.

Why do they have to get all up in my business? It doesn't concern them, now does it?

Lea ... Was just a friend.

A troubled, needy friend.


Sawyer's POV,


'Mum?' I called out as I walked down the stairs.

'Yeah?' She asked from the living room.

'We need to talk' I said.

'Okay' she motioned towards the sofa.

I sat beside her and said 'I think I'm gonna take a year off. NYU can wait a year, right?'

'It's your decision, honey but before summer you were extremely excited. What happened?' She asked.

I fiddled with my fingers and she knew that's what I did when I was nervous.

'The truth, Lea. You know you can tell me anything' she held my hand.

I took a deep breath.

'I met a guy. Nathan' I smiled a little, remembering our first night together.

Mum smiled too.

'He's ... well, incredible. And we really did hit it off. We spent practically every night together'

Mum gave me a look.

'No, mum. No sex' I laughed. 'Anyways, um, dad kinda found out and yelled at him and called him an asshole - repeatedly. And I stayed at a hotel for a few days cause he was being too rough on me. I'm eighteen, aren't I allowed to have guy friends?'

'Were you alone at the hotel?' Mum asked - in her total mom mode.

'No, Nathan was always there' I felt myself blushing. 'He's a good guy, mum. He always made sure I was okay, always texted me when we wouldn't spend nights together, always comforted me. Dad just judged him the moment he laid eyes on him'

'I'm glad you found him, Lea'

'No no, I'm not finished. The last night we spent together' a few tears rolled down my cheeks. 'We were in a fight. He came to the hotel to apologize, we spent the night together. The next day, dad said we were going to Paris. I couldn't seem to get hold of Nathan and well, when I got back he was gone. He went on tour for 3 months with his band. They split up a while ago but now they're back and, and he-he didn't even me-me-mention anything about it'

Mum wrapped her hand around me.

'That's why I came back early. I can't stand being there. It's hard not knowing if he's okay or if he's ever gonna call me. Dad didn't make it easy to stay there either'

'Lea, he sounds like a genuinely nice guy but honey, you gotta understand that it's his dream. He can't let anyone stand in the way of his dreams, his goals. Maybe he had his reasons as to why he never mentioned it. It's not the end, honey.'

Of course he is. He's my guy, and my guy's a nice guy, a funny-awkward, shy guy. And I miss that guy.

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