Chapter 27 - Unneeded Sympathy

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Chapter Twenty Seven

Sawyer's POV,


It felt weird waking up in bed bed back at Dad's place.

I mean, I've been sleeping on the coach at the hospital ever since I got here. But it makes sense that the nurses think I should get some rest on a proper bed.

I dragged my sleepy self downstairs and made myself a cup of coffee since tea wouldn't really wake me up.

I placed the kettle on the stove when someone rang the doorbell.

Okay, that's weird. Nobody's supposed to be here so why would anyone visit?

I opened the door and saw Nathan, stood there.

Before I could say anything, he welcomed himself in.

'Sure, come in' I rolled my eyes behind him.

'What are you doing here?' I asked.

'No, that's my question. You're supposed to be in New York.' He asked.


He cut me off before I could finish. 'Why were you even at the hospital yesterday?'

'Okay, could you let me finish?'

He nodded.

'I, uhm' I wasn't sure whether I should tell him the truth or not. 'I'm taking a year off NYU and my dad's in the hospital. He's in somewhat of a stroke. Not sure how a heart attack lead to a stroke but that's what the doctor said anyway' I blurted out.

'Lea,' he held my hand.

It was soothing hearing him say my name again.

Stop it, Lea. Don't forget the amount of pain he caused you.

I pulled away.

'No, stop! I'm not looking for your sympathy. Don't pity me like a stray dog. I don't need that!' I yelled.

'Lea, stop. I was just' he looked down at his feet. 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to leave you just like that'

'Look, it's really early. Even for you. I'm not psychically prepared for what you're about to say. Just, leave, please?' I said, feeling extremely exhausted.

'Okay. When you are looking for an explanation, you know where to find me' he said as he showed himself out.


'Good morning, Sawyer' one of the nurses greeted.

'Morning' I smiled.

I guess everything was starting to get familiar.

I walked into the room to see yet another machine attached to Dad. Two nurses were by his side, not sure why.

'Um,' I said. 'What's going on?'

Both of them made weird looks to each other.

'Dr. Marland said that the state your father's in is very irregular and it's actually never happened before.' She paused. 'She also said that there's a high chance of him not surviving'

My eyes widened. 'No, she can't say that. He'll wake up!'

'Sawyer, calm down' the other nurse tried sitting me down.

'I can't calm down! He's a fighter! He'll wake up! I know he will!' I rushed out as tears began flowing down my cheeks.

I can't have the memory of my 5 year old self having to witness my Mum burst into tears from the fact that there was a chance of my Dad not surviving his heart attack.


I knocked on the door.

Half of me hoped that there was nobody at home yet, the other half wanted an explanation.

The door sprung open and I saw Jess stood there with a smile on her face.

'Hey' I waved awkwardly.

'Sawyer!' She brought me into a hug. 'Come in!'

'Thanks' I smiled and walked in.

'Ah, if only Mum were home. She'd be so happy to see you' Jess said.

'Aw,' I looked around. 'Um, is Nathan here?'

'No, not actually'

'Oh' I cut her off.

'But he'll be back soon. He texted saying so. I wouldn't mind if you waited here. I was just catching up on TVD anyways' she smiled.

'Oh, awesome! I've just gotta use the bathroom for a second'

'Sure! You know where it is' she said as she jumped on the couch.

'Yeah, yup' I mumbled to myself.

It seemed like just yesterday I walked pass his room for the first time and questioned why he played his music so freaking loud.

When I was finally done getting my hair to look somewhat decent in a ponytail, I heard the front door.

I'm guessing it's Nathan.

I looked at myself one last time and made my way out.

'Someone's actually here to see you' I heard Jess say to Nathan.

When I finally looked up, I noticed the Blonde chic from Starbucks stood next to him.

'Lea' he was shocked to see me.

I walked right pass him, trying to get out of there as soon as possible.

'Lea, wait!' He yelled behind me.

'Lea, c'mon!' He finally caught up to me.

'What, Nathan?' I yelled

'Where are you going?' He asked.

'Anywhere but here'


I cut him off. 'I came here looking for an explanation but what's the point of even considering anything when you've clearly moved on!' I began walking again when he grabbed my hand.

'Betsy, is just a friend. She's been a friend of mine for ages. Not one of those fake friends I try to impress. She's got a band with three of her friends and just comes to me for advice. That's it!' He said. 'Do you want to come in for that explanation?'

'Forget it, Nathan. I honestly don't know why I was looking for an expiation for something that clearly wasn't real. We clearly weren't real. I was just being delusional, I'm sorry'

'Lea, please don't ever say we weren't real. You know we were. Hell! We both knew we were. You weren't the only one who felt things, Lea! Leaving wasn't easy for me, believe me when I say that. For god's sake, I freaking-' he held back something.

Tears begin rolling down my face, again.

I'm still wondering how I haven't run out of tears yet.

I immediately got into my car when he got in as well.

'You can't just follow me around!' I yelled, or tried to considering how puffy my voice was.

'I'm not leaving until I get to actually explain everything that happened. Why I did what I did' he said.

'Okay, tell me then.'


A/N; I guess it's a weird way for a chapter to end?¿ Anyways, watched Love, Rosie yesterday and thought it was just spectacular and just such a good movie. Hope y'all like this chapter!

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