Chapter 30 - Feeding off Pleasure

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A villain. Every relationship has one, whether you know it or not.

Chapter thirty
Sawyer's POV,


'And, well that's the story of my life' Dylan said.

'You mean the story of you killing every pet you've owned, sure' I laughed.

'No' he placed his index finger on my nose, 'They chose to go to that little place in the sky, okay?'

'If you say so' I rolled my eyes.

'Damn, it's late ... Or early, I suppose.' He said, looking out the window as the sun slowly rised, giving me a chance to notice his amazing jawline.

I snapped back into reality and checked to see that I've clearly been here too long.

'Err, yeah I should head home' I said, standing up.

'Oh, yeah no I get it. I've kept you up toooo long' he handed me my purse.

'Thanks' I smiled. 'This was nice though' I bit my lip and left through the back door, in hopes of nobody seeing me.

For someone who hasn't gotten any amount of sleep, I felt surprisingly good. I mean, I guess that's better than feeling absolutely grim since I had to visit Dad in the hospital in a couple of hours.

Well, I wouldn't have expected myself getting close to someone like Dylan.

Good job, Lea. You're finally starting to become less of an awkward clown.

When I was finally home, I threw everything that was in my hand and laid flat on my bed.

Yeah, I clearly spoke too soon about not being tired.

Within minutes, I found myself dozing off. I guess it wouldn't hurt to visit Dad a little later, right?


Nathan's POV,

'Nathan, your tea's getting cold!' Mum yelled from the kitchen.

'Hang on a minute, I'm almost ready' I responded as I hopped around, trying to get my socks on.

You know, 'cause sitting down and casually putting your socks on one leg at a time is way too mainstream.

I put my white converse on, unplugged my phone from it's charger and rushed down.

'You're never ever gonna be early, huh' Jess gave me a stare while letting out that cheeky smile of hers.

'Yeah yeah yeah, whatever' I drank my tea up faster than I should've.

'Jesus, calm down Nath.' Mum said, smiling as she took my empty mug.

'Send grandad my regards, alright?' Jess said.

'I will, as always' I said, my voice sounding tired.

'Call me when you're done, sweetie' Mum said.

I smiled slightly and walked out.

Grandad was still unwell and that wasn't a reassuring feeling as he's been in the hospital for way too long.

I had decided to visit him alone since I hadn't gotten any alone time with him. And, I don't wanna regret not having time with him.

Though, I'm not saying he's um, leaving or anything.

He's just ... Ah, forget it.


I bought a little packet of crips from the shop that was on the lowest floor of the hospital and walked towards the lift, where I noticed someone familiar.

It took me a few seconds before I realized who it was.

Mr. Scott, Lea's dad. How could I forget?

Right, Lea said he was admitted as well.

'Hey, Mr. Scott, hope you're well' I said, smiling.

'Who do you think you are, coming up to me and then smiling?!' His voice started getting tensed.

'I had no idea I would see you, I mean, I came to visit my grandad. I was just asking if you're alright'

'Well, piss off, ass' he snapped.

'Excuse me?' My eyebrows arched, and a frown appeared on my face.

'Oh, don't try and act all innocent with me. I know the kind of person you are, you feed off pleasure and I know you're still seeing my daughter! I mean, having her stay at your place? Why? Why can't you leave her alone?! What do you want, sex?! Find someone else to please yourself, would ya, you cunning, pervert, villain, that takes advantage of innocent girls' He yelled and turned away before I could respond.

I don't think I should've responded anyway, as much as it was killing me to.

Having her stay at your place

What did he mean? Lea and I haven't stayed under the same roof since the last time she left. And, if I'm not mistaken, her dad had no idea about that and didn't give a fuck either.

It baffles me to know that that's all her Dad thinks of me.

Some guy who's looking for pleasure.


I knocked on her door impatiently and heard her footsteps walking towards the door.

'Nathan' she said, with a surprised look 'Um, I'm actually on the way to visit my dad so it's not really-'

I cut her off. 'Why the fuck does your dad think that you spent the night at my place?!' I yelled.

'I-I don't know' she muttered.

'C'mon Lea, we both know that lying gets us no where'

'Fine. I was there, with Dylan. I left before sunrise but I was almost certain that nobody was there.' She said as she sat at the living room.

'You and .. Dylan? Are you fucking serious?' I felt myself wanting to puke.

'Don't fucking give me that tone, okay? We didn't have sex so stop jumping to conclusions. We spent the night talking. Just talking!'

'Yeah, okay' I rolled my eyes.

'There's no way that he could've found out I mean, it was extremely early and there was no one there, I swear'

'You clearly had your eyes closed cause he knows and he fucking thinks that I'm taking advantage of you, and that all I want with you is to god damn screw you' My tone kept getting unintentionally high.

'Calm down, Nathan' she said, with a hand on my shoulder.

'No. Fix this, Sawyer!' I pulled away and left.

I'm not who her father says.

I know I'm not.

I'm different, I'm better than that.

I-I'm not a player. I don't use people, I-I'm a good person, not a villain.

A/N; I'm sorry for this chapter going up so late. I was on vacation and couldn't bring myself to finishing it. As always, hope you like it! xxo

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