Chapter 55 - Coffee Vendetta

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Chapter fifty five

Despite the lack of sleep I was surviving on, I couldn't bring myself to just shut my eyes and doze off. Lea seemed to feel otherwise as she had been asleep five minutes after the movie had started. I was surprised that she hadn't woken up while I carried her up to her either.

It was half past eight and I'd been sat here for almost 2 hours. Tossing around, staring at how peaceful and beautiful she looked as she was deep in sleep, downloading pointless games on my phone and giving up after multiple tries.

I knew for a fact that Mrs Scott–Laura, was awake by now as I heard her door not more than an hour ago. I suppose it'd do no harm to get to know her better. Plus, I highly doubt I could survive another game of Agari.o right now.

Once I was changed into a clean t'shirt and was freshened up, I made my way downstairs. "Good morning," I greeted as she was pouring a cup of coffee for herself.

"Oh, you're up! Good morning," she smiled, "I just made coffee. I could pour you some?" She offered, too kindly to reject. Plus, it's not like I had some weird vendetta against coffee. The English side of me just preferred some good ol' tea.

"That would be nice, thank you," I say as I pull up one of the chairs at the counter of the kitchen, "Lea's fast asleep, didn't want to wake her. I on the other hand couldn't fall asleep even if I tried. Plus, I heard your door earlier. I hope you don't mine me-"

"Don't be silly, make yourself at home" Laura says politely. Clearly a trait her daughter didn't inherit. I laugh mentally seeing as sarcasm was Lea's only language, "You two got in pretty late last night though. I'd assumed you would be asleep until noon" She says and i'm instantly reminded of my mother and how sleeping until noon was quite a hobby for me, back home.

"Yeah, it was a good night" I smile at the though of it, "I am sorry. I didn't intend on getting back at such a time. Things got crazy, I mean good crazy. It was just," I fumble around before she laughs.

"Young love, what a beautiful thing" she sips on he coffee, "Don't worry, I trust you with her. She's a wild one ain't she?"

"Wild indeed" we both laugh.

Before I knew it, we were both deep in conversation. Mainly about Lea and how she was when she was younger. The things she'd do and say, the way she'd act. Her mother did promise me a look at her baby album which I was sure looking forward to.

We also talked about my childhood, how Lea and I met. Tons of other things. I was surprised, mostly glad that she didn't judge me. Not once did she seem like she was judging me. Which, to be honest, I'd be fine with since everyone seems to judge but it was refreshing.

I couldn't help but think of how different her and her ex husband are. Then again, I'm in no place to say.

"Actually, I was thinking of going to the farmer's market later. I know it's a market and its 'old people' stuff but you two could tag along. We could drive along and get some shopping done as well. There's a gorgeous park nearby too," Laura says and I couldn't help but agree on it. It'd be great to spend the day with Lea and her mother. Heck, I'd go even if Lea wanted to sleep all day.

I'm a shit boyfriend, aren't I?

My thoughts are interrupted when Laura says, "Ah, there she is" and I turn around to be faced with a groggy Lea. If her mother weren't here, I'd be all over here. Cuddling, kissing. I couldn't help it, she looked beautiful. Even at this time and state.


Despite my eyes being locked shut, I was more than awake. Especially when my hand reached out for him but he wasn't there. After our little McDonald's rendezvous, I remember coming home and falling asleep on the couch while watching some movie which I couldn't be bothered to learn the title of, with him beside me.

My eyes dart open and here I am, in my bed. I decide against freaking out and instead, I wash my face, brush my teeth and attempt to tame my hair.

I walk down the stairs to the smell of coffee until I hear Nathan's familiar voice, and my mother's. True enough, there they were, in the kitchen, sipping on their coffees while conversing.

"Ah, there she is," my mother says when she spots me, Nathan's head turning to face mine before I say, "Good morning," and walk towards them.

Nathan's hand reaches out for mine, and I accept. His arm wrapping around me, like a hug but not quite as I lean my head on his shoulders before realising that my mother was right in front and PDA must be baffling. Even though technically it wasn't public.

My thoughts were answered when she says, "Cute," and a couple of awe's as she sipped her coffee. I reach for Nathan's mug, assuming it contained tea but my tastebuds were surprised when I was wrong and it was indeed coffee.

"You're drinking coffee?" I ask as my mom pulls out some sort of batter from the fridge, "Mmm," he simply murmurs, "It's alright, I suppose" he smiles.

Half of me wishes that my mother wasn't a feet away, simply so that I'd be able to sit on his lap, my legs wrapped around his waist as I kissed him and ran my fingers through his messy, messy hair.

The other half however, was more than glad that they got along, and that we were actually spending time together. Unlike what would happen in Gloucester. My conscience adds.

"I'll make you some tea," I say as I kiss his cheek.

"You two got in pretty late last night," Mom adds, "had fun?" I sensed her tone and my cheeks immediately flushed a bright red. My eyes dart to Nathan who clearly found humour in my embarrassment.

"We did not sleep together, no" Nathan calmly says, whilst I stood there plotting ways to kill myself, "I wouldn't do such a thing on the first date, Laura" he says, trying to seem offended at her accusation before adding, "Lea though,"

I toss the hand towel at him as both him and my mother erupt in laughter. There's something about mocking Lea that everyone seems to find humour in?

I take a sip out of his tea, making sure it was right before reluctantly giving it to him, seeing as he still had a cheeky smile plastered across his face.

"Well, doll, you could go clean yourself up a little while I make the waffles" My mom says says. I could tell that she meant my hair. I can't help it if it resembles a lion's mane. "Yeah, doll. You're a mess" Nathan adds and I roll my eyes.

"And leave you two alone? Sure," I retort before walking back to my room.

"Yeah, gives me time to discuss wedding rings with your mother. We both know how much you're dying to marry me," he says once i'm half way up the stairs.

I curse under my breath. There they go with the mocking me, yet again.

A/N: double update! weeee :) I was going to write more but i'm impatient to update plus it's already on like 1.2k words so! also i promise promise promise to get the next chapter up as soon as possible. enjoy! x

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