Chapter 28 - Pain, Fear, Anger.

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Chapter twenty eight
Nathan's POV,


I felt my body tingling as I spoke.

'I won't bite, you know?' She teased.

'Ha ha' I was basically making a complete fool out of myself.

I took a deep breath.

'Okay, here goes. I left cause I needed to. The boys and I had been discussing about get the band back together anyway.
The fans needed this. We realized that there's nothing we'd rather do that make music that'll be enjoyed by the people we love, the people who love us.'

'Uh huh' she nodded.

'I didn't tell you 'cause, I honestly don't know. I feel like I lost track of myself. I was fine with being someone else just so that'd people would be happy. But then you came along and brought out my real self. The person I was up until the break. I didn't know if I liked that or not. I was set on being this "bad boy". With everything that happened between you and I, I felt like it was better to leave without saying anything. I didn't wanna cause even the slightest amount of pain towards you but turns out, that's exactly what I did. I'm sorry, Lea. I'm sorry for every single thing. You're the only thing that's been on my mind ever since I left. Even Max keeps asking about you. Sssh, I think he has a little crush on you'

She giggled a little.

'You, Sawyer Lea Scott made the biggest impact on me. One that nobody's ever made. You've changed me. No, you made me my normal self again.' I finally finished.

'Woah' she said.

'So, am I forgiven? And can I finally tell Max to back off from my girl?' I raised an eyebrow.

'No' she looked down at her feet. 'It's not that simple, Nathan. I mean, I appreciate the fact that you told me the truth but it's not that easy.'

'What do you mean?'

'I don't know. This, just can't happen so fast. I can't be your girl. I can't be your girlfriend. I came here to be a proper daughter, Nathan. I can't get distracted.'

'So, I'm just a distraction now?' I said, unintentionally.

'Are you kidding? This isn't the time to get all sensitive. Ok?'

I noticed her clenching her fists. I wasn't sure why. Something she did when she was frustrated maybe?

'Okay, I'm sorry. That came out wrongly. I know you're having a rough time. I get it-' It wasn't even a second before she cut me off.

'Stop it. Don't say you get it when you haven't even been close to a situation like this. Why does everyone think saying they understand helps? It doesn't.' She snapped.

I held both her hands.

'Can you calm down?' I said.

'Fuck no' she rolled her eyes.

Well, I get it now. Having someone cuss at you unnecessarily isn't the best thing.

'Just calm down, ok?!' I yelled. 'I'm trying my best to understand you, to explain why I left. Why I did what I did but you're just getting angry at every little thing. Can you just stop that?'

'No. I can't, okay?! My Dad's in the hospital for a reason nobody's telling me and now you suddenly explain everything to me expecting me to just kiss you and say it's all okay and that I forgive you and we can live happily ever after in a magical sugar castle? I'm sorry but I'm not the girl for that' She got out of the car without realizing that we were in her car.

'Lea,' I got out of the car. 'Do you not realize that we were in your car?' I said.

'Yes, I realize that now' her face started getting red.

She was nervous, or possibly furious. At that moment, I couldn't even tell.

She sighed. 'I'm sorry, Nathan. I'm sorry for lashing out. I'm sorry for acting like a complete sympathetic bitch, I'm sorry.'

'Stop,' I whispered as I walked closer to her. 'Stop apologizing' I whispered into her ear.

'But everything-'

'Sssh' I placed my index finger on her soft yet dry lips.

I intwined our fingers as I leaned in to give her a kiss.

She held my hand so tight, I could feel her pulse.

The vibration of her phone interrupted us.

She pulled out her phone from the back pocket of her shorts and said 'Hello' with that beautiful smile of hers.

I noticed her expression change within seconds.

'What's wrong?' I asked, the moment she hung up.

'My d-' she stuttered. 'I-it's my dad' I noticed her eyes slowly turn red.

'I'll drive you' I said as we both got into the car.

I knew she wouldn't want me to see her in this state but she was too weak to say anything.

'It'll be alright, Lea' I said as my fingers found hers.


Lea hadn't spoken a word to me ever since we got into the car and I understood that.

She's in pain, in fear of losing her dad.

The elevator made a sound which indicated that we had reached the third floor.

Lea rushed out the moment the door opened and I followed behind.

When we reached, we found her dad laying on the hospital bed, eyes open yet drowsy, with a mask that helped him breathe.

She traced her fingers on her dad's cheek as tears began to flow from her eyes.

'Lea,' I walked towards her, about to give her a hug.

'Don't' she yelled despite her stuffy voice 'come in here!'

'C'mon, Lea. You're not serious' I said.

'Which part of "don't come in here" don't you understand?!' Her voice started to get louder. 'You were the cause of this! You made me want to leave. You ruined the relationship that I had with my dad! You ruined it all, you ruined my life, you ruined everything, Nathan!' She began crying even more.

'Please, Lea. Don't do this'

She cleared her throat. 'Just get out of here!'

I didn't recognize her.

Even though she was crying, there was no sympathy in her eyes. All I saw was anger. No pain, just .. anger.

This wasn't the girl I fell in love with.

This isn't the girl I'm in love with.

This just isn't my Lea.


A/N; This chapter is long overdue and I'm so so sorry. I've been distracted with everything and I've just been a suckish writer when it comes to updating. This chapter isn't as good as I hoped and again, I apologize but I hope you like it! xxo

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