chapter four

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Chapter Four
Sawyer's POV,

"Erm, we're gonna run out and get some stuff. Need anything?" I asked my dad as I grabbed the car keys.

"Actually.." I cut him off before he could finish.

"Yes yes, I know. You need stuff to make your special blueberry pie. Don't worry, I know what to get. I've been doing it for years now" I forced a smile.

"Thank you, honey. Is Hannah not joining you?" He asked.

"She is.. She's just..late, as usual."

"Hannah?? Hurry up! I'll be in the car!" I yelled as I walked out.


We were picking out stuff when Hannah approached me.

"Hey, isn't that Jess' brother?" She asked, eyeing Nathan.

"Yeah, Nathan," I said, my gaze fixated on him.

"Someone's got a crush," She teased.

"I definitely do not!" I defended and pretended to look away.

"Sheesh, it's a crime to lie to your best friend for ever and ever and ever, you know?"

"I swear, I'm not lying. I barely even know him okay?"

"Okay, okay. I believe you. Why don't you go say hi or something?"She pushed me towards his direction.

"I hate you!" I mouthed to her.


"H-hey," I said, nervously.

"I can't really talk," he mumbled.

'Why not?' I asked.

He was about to respond when someone pounced on his back, playfully.

"You know this chick?" A male, slightly taller than Nathan, with blondish hair asked.

"Er, no. I don't. I was just asking her to leave," he kept eyeing Hannah and then me. Assuming he meant that it was probably time to get back to shopping with her.

"You heard him, unless you'd like to join us?" The male offered, a smug smile on his face.

"She's got things to do, she was leaving anyway," Nathan's eyes met mine.. I wish I could understand what he was trying to say but heck, I can't read his eyes.

I walked away, in confusion.

I may not be up to Nathan's standards and maybe I wasn't exactly going to fit in with his friends.. but the way he acted was cold and peculiar.


I had gone to Karen's place or, Nathan's place a few hours later. I didn't remember the address but after an hour or so of pestering, I had gotten it from Hannah.

"Hey, darling" Karen said.

"Hi," I smiled.

"Looking for Jess? Cause she's actually out with..."

"Hannah, yeah I know," I cut her off. "Um, I was wondering if I could talk to Nathan?" I asked.

"Oh," She was surprised. I didn't blame her though, "he's not back yet," she said.

"Oh, well I'm sorry to come in such surprise. Would you mind telling him that I stopped by and that I need to talk?" I said.

"Or.. you could just wait for him here. He said he'd be back soon. Maybe I could make you a cuppa as you waited?"

"I'd like that, thanks" I smiled.


I found myself wandering around the house. There was this room that was empty. The only thing in it was a piano. And it looked like somebody played it often as it wasn't dusty.

"Ah, there you are!" Karen said as she handed me the hot cup of tea.

"Thanks, and sorry, kinda found myself wandering"

"Its alright sweetie."

The piano still caught my attention.

"Ah, yes. Nathan plays the piano, and Jess. But music is basically his life. I swear, all that boy needs to survive is tea and music" he said as she laughed.

Just then, I heard the front door shut.

Before I knew it, Nathan found me.

"Le-what are you doing here?" He asked as he took my hand.

"Um, I just wanted to talk about how things were.. earlier,"

"Right, sorry about that. I'd love to explain but I can't. Just stay here and don't come out alright? Please?" He asked as we got to his room.

"Okay" I said as he shut the door.

I heard a bunch of people's voices coming in the house.

I'm guessing Nathan had his friends over.

I decided to lock the door, just in case anyone accidentally opened it.

Look at me, a modern-day Rapunzel; locked in the bedroom of a boy I've known for about 24 hours.

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