chapter seven

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Chapter seven
Nathan's POV,

"And where were you?" Mum asked, the moment I walked through the door.

"Don't worry mum. He was just sending Sawyer home. She apparently spent the night," Jess responded before I had the chance to.

"It was nothing! I swear, mum! We just slept together. As in slept, beside each other, all night. And I got to smell that beautiful hair or hers and got a glimpse of her while she was asleep" I got carried away.

Mum and Jess looked at each other and started smiling.

"What?" I asked, unamused by their reaction.

"You like her, don't you?" Mum claimed.

"This isn't a movie, I barely know the girl," I defended.

"She's a really nice girl Nath. You two clearly click. And you clearly trust her," Jess said.

"No, I'm just a good person and I trust a lot of people. I find many people trustworthy. And I click with loads of people!" I could tell that they didn't believe me.

I clearly wasn't winning at this.

"If you say so, but she is a lovely girl and you've got my approval" Mum smiled.

"Thanks, mum. I'll let you handle the wedding invitations, alright? Oh, you should go ahead and come up with baby names for Lea and I while you're at it," I say before going up to my room.

I could hear them whispering about me calling her Lea, instead of Sawyer as I walked up.

I just felt like Lea had a nicer ring to it, that's it. No big deal.  Plus, I'm not really looking to be in a relationship..

And I'm not interested in Lea. The only person I'm interested in is Maximillian Alberto George.

Ah, Max, god I miss him.


@MaxTheWanted, eh George, I'm missing ya mate x

None of us really had the heart to take 'The Wanted' out of our twitter names.

I mean, we're always gonna be the wanted. Always.


@NathanTheWanted aw Nath. Miss ya too, mate. You best be getting ya bum to Manchester soon ;) x

Oh how I've missed his cheekiness. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad to visit Max. Ah, I dunno.


Sawyer's POV.

I opened the door slowly, making sure my dad wouldn't hear me.

I tiptoed up to my room to see Hannah, fast asleep.

I got into bed but couldn't go back to sleep. Thanks, Sykes. Thanks to you, I'm sat in bed at 6am, not being able to sleep. I then remembered that he had keyed his number into my phone.

I went through all the contacts beginning with "N" but there was no sign of Nathan's name.

I scrolled down to S and saw 'Sykes'

Ah, he knows me too well.

"Hey Sykes, thanks to you ruining my sleep, I'm now awake at 6am." I texted.

It wasn't minutes before my phone buzzed again.

"Hey! I can't sleep either okay! And I love my sleep! Like, a lot. So, you owe me big time, missy ;)'"

We ended up texting for like an hour or so and honestly, it felt good.

"Wells, we'll talk about how I'll repay you for ruining your sleep later?" I texted.

"Yes! At lunch. I'll pick you up at 12. Don't be late" he replied.

"Okay, Sykes"


"Sawyer, there's someone outside!" I heard my dad yell from downstairs.

I looked at the time to see that it was 12:03pm. I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs.

"I won't be too long. Call me if you need anything," I said before going out.

"Hey," Nathan said as I got into the car.

"Pfft, you're late!" I accused.


"It's 12:03! You said you'd be here at 12:00," I said, completely seriously.

"I'm.. I'm really sorry, um" he got nervous. Cute.

"Gotcha" I punched his shoulder playfully.

He tried holding back his smile but failed.

"Are you kidding me?! You're playing amateur jokes on me?! Oh, fucking get out!" He yelled.

"Got ya back!" He said before I managed to say anything.

"Ah, nice one" I smirked.


"Hey! Are you gonna give me my sunglasses back?!" Nathan asked as we walked to the restaurant.

"Um.. Nah, I think I'll keep em. I kind like them" I smiled widely.

"I'm sure you can get ray-bans in LA"

"Yes, yes. But I like yours more" I said cheekily.

"C'mon Lea! Don't make me tickle you!"

"Nope, that's not gonna work on meeee. I'm not ticklish. If you want it, try and get it!" I said, as I tried to hold it up high.

"You aren't that tall Lea!" He grabbed it and smiled.

I then noticed a few people staring.

"Um, Nathan, why are they staring at us like we're some zoo animals"

"Oh, uh, it's just that I don't usually act that way around girls..." He said softly. "Just ignore them," he said as we finally made our way to the restaurant.

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