chapter ten

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Chapter ten
Sawyer's POV.

01:23 a.m.

And I'm wide awake. Or, I just couldn't sleep. There was something that's making it impossible for me to fall asleep.

I suddenly heard something drop from the room next doo. Nathan's room.

'You awake?' I texted.

It had been 20 minutes and I hadn't gotten a reply.
Okay, there's no point in me staying in this room if I'm not gonna be able to sleep all night.

I knocked on Nathan's room door.

"Come in," he said.

"Hey..." I said quietly.

He was all wrapped in his duvet and had his beats around his neck. "You okay?" He asked.

"Um, can't sleep" I mumbled.

"Me neither," he said.

"So, what'd you drop?" I asked.

"My cuppa," he made a sad face, "thank god the mug was empty though"

"Cluts!" I laughed.

"Don't hate me for my imperfections!" He said, then smiled.

We remained silent for about two minutes until he finally said something.

"Wanna sleep here?" He asked.

Yes. My conscience answered. I, however, remained silent.

"I'll just take that as a yes. Come on," He patted the empty side of the bed before pulling the duvet.

We were both in bed, next to each other, staring at the ceiling like it's the stars, just like that night.

"Remember that night underneath the stars, for a minute I thought the world was ours" he mumbled, in a certain tune.

"Sounds like a song lyric," I said.

"It is," he smiled. "You should get some sleep.. don't you girls need beauty sleep or some shit"

"So you're saying I need beauty sleep. Geez, thanks"

"No, I didn't mean it that way. You're.. Beautiful. Okay?" He said with a smile.

My cheeks started heating up. Good lord, please don't tell my I'm blushing.

"Awwwwwwww, little Lea's blushing" Nathan said as he rubbed my cheeks.

"Am not!" I defended.

"It's alright to blush Lea"

"Just accept the fact that you can't make me blush. Alright?" I'm really bad at lying, aren't i?

"Hmm, yes yes, okay. Now get some sleep, okay?"He said as he buried his face on my shoulder, "wait," he suddenly said, lifting his head up to face mine, "no pillow-barricade between us tonight?"

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