Chapter 35 - Nuisance

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Chapter thirty five
Sawyer's POV,


We were walking through one of the malls, I wasn't even sure why since I was basically following Nathan. I thought we were supposed to get coffee but god knows with this boy.

'What's up with you?' He asked, tilting his head slightly as his eyes met mine.

I shook my head in response.

'You're not talking. Something's clearly wrong' he retorted before he got distracted by something else as his gaze was no longer stuck on me.

A slight frown formed on his face and seconds later, he laced our fingers together.

'Nathan,' I mumbled under my breath.

He squeezed my hand tighter - on purpose. I assumed that was his way of asking me to "shut the fuck up" without actually using words.

We were finally at a little cafe that was in the mall itself when he released my hand from his.

'What was that about?!' I yelled.

He smirked then walked into the cafe - ignoring every expression or word that escaped from me.

'Um, hello?? Earth to Nathan?' I waved both hands in his face when we were finally at an empty table.

'Fucking stop, please' he grinned in absolute sarcasm.

I groaned when a teenage boy came to take our order.

'Morning. You two ready to order?' He asked while taking his tiny notepad out of the back pocket of his jeans.

Nathan nodded in response while taking a last look at the breakfast menu. 'I'll take one cup of tea along with your Signature Breakfast set'

'Alright' he said while jotting it down. 'And you, miss?'

'It's alright, I'm good' I smiled but Nathan interrupted when he was just about to take our menus.

'Order something' he muttered.

'I'm not hungry. Your mum made pancakes, remember?' I rolled my eyes.

'Fuck that' he whispered to himself. 'She'll have a hazelnut hot chocolate'

I looked at his name tag and said 'Thank you, Mark' then glared at Nathan.

'What?!' He asked when Mark was gone.

'You could've been politer, Nathan'

'I am polite' he smiled but obviously, not genuinely 'just not today'

'What's up with you now?' I asked seeming more annoyed than intended.

'Does it involve you?'

'How the fuck am I supposed to even know' I muttered under my breath hoping he wouldn't hear.

'Well, it doesn't so fuck off'

He was a nuisance.

I tried my best to cover how much I enjoyed my hot chocolate since I didn't exactly want it but oh, it was so hard.

'Mhmm' I hummed while taking a sip without noticing that a whipped cream - moustache had formed on my upper lip. I tried my best to lick it off but I was clearly making a fool out of yourself.

'You're not 4' Nathan snapped at me before eating a spoon of his scrambled eggs.

'And you're not 40' I rolled my eyes and pulled my phone out and heard him sigh. He was actually showing emotion? This is hilarious.

I felt his fingers reach mine as he laced them together. 'I'm sorry for being a dick'

'No, you're always a dick' I cut him off. 'You've just been a fucking asshole!' I yelled and walked off - something I didn't picture myself doing.


'Where to, miss?' The taxi driver asked. I was about to say the address to my dad's house when I remembered that my keys and dress were still at Nathan's. Fuck.

I took a deep breath before giving him Nathan's address. I doubt he'd even be there, right?

When we arrived, I rushed in and grabbed my dress and keys from his room and was about to leave when I bumped into somebody.

'Where are you even going?' He asked.

'Home' I muttered - avoiding eye contact.

'Los Angeles?'

'No, Nathan! My dad's fucking house because he's still in the god damn hospital and you've just been a distraction as per usual!' I yelled when Jess walked into the room.

'What's going on? Sawyer?' She looked surprised. 'Nathan?'

'Um, hey Jess. I was just um, leaving' I looked at Nathan 'alone.'

'You're fucking not' he snapped when Jess walked closer to him and mumbled something.

'How could you do this to her, Nath' was all I heard followed by Nathan groaning and saying 'It's complicating!'

I figured that this was my only chance to escape from Nathan since he seemed distracted.

'Don't even think of fucking leaving without me' he said the moment I stepped foot outside. 'You don't even have your car'

'I have legs' I snapped before beginning to walk away.

'We need to talk, Lea' I heard his voice soften up. 'Please'

I can't do this. He makes me so weak and I'm constantly going back to him. I came here for a reason and Nathan Sykes definitely wasn't it.

'Lea' he tugged my arm from behind. 'Look at me' he tilted my chin up, our eyes meeting.

My eyes were puffy from tears. Obviously, I couldn't hold back tears. You're such a weakling, Lea. Stop being so fucking weak!

Before I knew it, my lips were pressed against his and I didn't wanna admit to enjoying it but I did. 'I need to talk to you, Lea' he said as he pulled away. 'I need you'

Don't do this to me, Nathan.


A/N; This book hit 10K reads on Friday and that just means so so so much! I'm sorry this chapter is shitty and short. I just needed to get something up. I promise the next one will make more sense! Thank you aaaalllllllll for reading and commenting and voting. Forever grateful for you butt butts (: xxo

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