Chapter 26 - Wrong Place, Wrong Time.

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A/N; Just realized that the chapter was blank and the text for some reason didn't get updated. I feel so stupid now that I know the comments were sarcasm. Sorry guys!

Nathan's POV,


We were all at the hospital. Mum, Jess and I along with a few other family members.

Grandpa had gotten a stroke a week ago which was terrible but he seems to be doing way better now.

'I'm gonna go get a cuppa. Anyone want anything?' I asked but everyone shook their heads.

'Get me a chocolate bar, please' Jess whispered to me.

'Okay!' I whispered back.

I haven't had much experience with hospitals and I suppose that's good.

I don't get why it has to be so cold all the time. Is that really the best thing for people who are sick? (Or aren't sick, like me) I mean, the smell is understandable but c'mon, reduce the temperature a little, would ya?

I made a cuppa and grabbed a milk chocolate bar for Jess.

'That's it?' The lady at the cashier asked.

'Mhmm, yep!' I said, pulling out my wallet.

I payed her and walked back to Grandpa's room.

And then, my adventure began!

Yeah, your adventure at the hospital, how classy.

I've seriously gotta stop talking to myself.

I looked up and saw only about 5 people on the same floor.

I guess this isn't such a good visiting hour for most.

I noticed a girl with brown wavy hair in a hoodie and skinnies.

It was Lea.


Sawyer's POV,


'Hey,' I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I turned around and saw Nathan, stood there with tea in hand.

I didn't respond and began walking in a fast pace back to Dad's room.

'Slow down!' He caught up with me. 'What are you doing here?'

I ignored him and kept on walking.

'Lea, answer me!' He insisted.

'Nothing, Nathan! I'm doing nothing!' I faced him and yelled.

'Right, cause the hospital is quite the popular place for hanging out right now' he said cheekily.

I groaned and knew that he would follow me to Dad's room so I went to the bathroom instead.

'You can't follow me into the ladies bathroom now, can you?' I snapped.

I've never felt so much anger and rage inside of me.

Some would call this faith but I call this absolute crap.

He can't just walk up to me, say 'Hey' and act like everything's normal.

That's, that's unfair.

I patted my face with a face towel and walked out.

There was no sign of Nathan, as expected and I walked back to Dad's room.

'C'mon, why are you here?' His voice popped up behind me again.

'For the love of god, Nathan! You can't just follow me around.'

'No, but I want an explanation as to why you're here' he said, in his soft voice.

Well, I want an explanation as to why you left without saying a word!

My mind yelled.

'You have better things to do than to follow me wrong like a freaking lost puppy. Go entertain that girlfriend of yours, maybe?' I snapped and he finally stopped following me.

Yes, some would say that I was being too mean, too harsh but I could disagree. He was the one who left without saying a single word.

And now, now he just walks up to me, demanding to know why I'm here?

He can't do that. Not now, not in this situation.

P.S, I'm gonna be updating at least one chapter every week/weekend!

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