4- First instigation

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You woke up in a familiar room, your head was
pulsating in addition you felt a little nauseous. You
smiled to yourself, knowing these were the
symptoms of a hangover.

You looked at the window to your left, realising was
barely dark out. Afterwards, you noticed your room window was too your right. The scent carried with the duvet that you could only explain as musky vanilla, you were wrapped in, confirmed indeed, you were in Kenma's bed.

However, Kenma wasn't.

You got out of the bed, and turned on the light. You
then realised you were no longer in your uniform,
but one of Kenma's shirts, that had an Among us
red character on the rim, also some baggy shorts
that still managed to capture the roundness of your
lower figure.

And yet, you didn't remember how or why you were
in those clothes, nor in Kenmas bed. To sum it it,
everything was a blur.

Your phone was set on the bedside table, in which
you turned it on, for the time.

You then saw numerous notifications from Kenma.
Some from Kuroo too.


My favourite cockroach😒
Kuroo forced me to go to early morning practice

My favourite cockroach😒
So when yo crusty ass gets up
lay my bed

My favourite cockroach😒
your uniform is in the dryer
um is that all

My favourite cockroach😒
Oh yeah

My favourite cockroach😒


chill homie
i won't touch themn
and sir if one of us is crusty, it's you🙄

You tossed your phone to the side of the bed, then
rubbed your eyes as you lazily strolled into the

You tossed your phone to the side of the bed, then rubbed your eyes as you lazily strolled into the
bathroom compartment in Kenma's room. You splashed your face with water, forcing sleep to
wither away.

You decided to take a shower, to get rid of this
substantial icky feeling. You opened the door, causing steam to float out of Kenmas bathroom into his room. Instantaneously your stomach loudly grumbled, but you chose to ignore it. Still wrapped in a towel, you sat on the bed picking up your phone leisurely.

7 missed calls from-
My favourite cockroach😒

"Damn. I guess I should make it an even number.
You sighed, throwing your phone back on the bed.
You began to get ready for school, proceeding your
normal routine.

After realising you had no clean
underwear, you went to the boys wardrobe taking
out a fresh packaged pair of boxers, that distinctly
hadn't been opened yet.

Subsequently, you left the room to get your clothes
from the dryer. As you walked passed the kitchen,
your stomach began to growl louder, as if it was
communicating it's hunger.
And your stomach always seemed to be right, so

why would it fail you now?

You looked throughout the cupboards and shelves
for something that peaked your interest.
Then, all of a sudden, a sturdy sharp pain made
way to your head. You regained little flashes of
what had happened last night; the part where you
and Kenma took several shots, another of Kenma
writing stuff down on paper.

Any Extent- Kenma KozumeWhere stories live. Discover now