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"Ye-yes sir?"

"I'm so disappointed in you," he shook his head.

"I'd expect this from Kenma maybe..but you, you're an obedient student, model one.

"Is it that deep?" Kenma chuckled.

"I think it is. I've given you a task to do and the pair of you haven't even opened a singular file book. Do you take me as a joke?" The man stressful raised his voice.

You nudged the boys side halting his voice.
"I was joking," Kenma mumbled to you.

"Sorry sir we'll start now," you apologised, bowing your head slightly.

"Go ahead," he raised his eyebrows and stood there insinuating he desired to observe your start.

"Oh, you mean now right now?" Your eyes grew a little wider.

"No in four weeks," he rolled his eyes, solid sarcasm on his tone.

"Well if four weeks it is I guess I'm a lil too early," Kenma said, gathering his things and getting up from his chair.

"Mr Kozume, sit back down," he sighed, used to the boys laziness.

Kenma did as demanded rolling his eyes in the

The coach then nodded at you, communicating he wanted to watch you begin before he took off.
You then stared down at your recessive hand
ignoring Kenma's smirk that was visible from the side of your eye.

As that hand was weaker then your dominant hand it appeared awkward as you tried scour for the A's at the top of the pages.

"Are you ok?" The tall man questioned with an
overly concerned tone.

"I'm good sir," you answered. Your body grew hot as your frail palm struggled to slip the sheet of paper back in the clear pocket.

"Why are you making it difficult for yourself? I
already know your
(left or right) handed from tennis so use them
together or at least that one."

"I-um can't. "

"Why not?" Both the coach and Kenma asked
You shot a menacing glare to the blond who had a gleaming smile plastered on his lips.

"Um it's cr-cramping right now. But don't worry I'll go quicker once it stops."
"You better," he warned, swiping the bronze keys of the front desk.

"And you too Kozume," he apprised.
You both peered at the man in silence as he
disappeared behind the wooden door.

"Were you trying to get us caught?" You whisper shouted at the boy, rising up from your seat.

"You wanted to be daring, you handle your own mess," he chuckled.
You took a breath out, slightly irritated by the boys words. As you opened your fist, a large white pit of the boys cum spread across each your fingers all connected in a slimy bond then dropped down your palms.

"Ew. Why is it so much?" You groaned.

"Just in case you were a little bit hungrier then
usual," he winked.

"At least mama bagged herself six points," you

"Your win streak is going to end soon," he chewed on his jaw.

"Yeah, we'll see,"

You puffed, departing from the room so you could wash your sticky hand.
Once you and the boy had completed the detention task, you strolled next to the him until reaching the sports hall, as if you were dropping him off.
"What time does practice finish today?"
The blonde switched on his phone, quickly glancing at the time.

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