45-Last day

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Last full day, waking up in this bed, having this freedom, This liberty, being able to sleep in, to do things your way.

Because when you wake up tomorrow, when you finish school and want to come back, you can't.

Your parents will be at home waiting for you .

Your throat hurt as if it's swollen and throbbing pain, Yet, there was nothing wrong with you physically,  it was the knowledge of the day that followed that caused this pain.

You rolled over taking your phone off

Once your eyes dropped to the time there was a knock on the door.

Kenma entered your room, his gym bag over his shoulder, making you remember he was dreading having morning training on a Sunday. You were
caught by surprise as you glanced down
at the plate in his hand.

"You made me breakfast, aw!"

"Nope, just made had extra one." He said as he handed you the plate with a
bagel sandwich on the surface.
"Sure, sure."

You saw the cucumbers sticking out
from inside the bagel, knowing Kenma didn't like cucumbers.

You heard a metal jingle sound hit the table, and your eyes quickly rushed over to where it came from.
"Is that my key?"

You glanced up at him.


"Why do you ha-

"I found it on the staircase on my way
up." he responded.

"Oh.. I thought I left it in my-

"Bye," Kenma turned around.

"Thank you," you told him as he walked
towards the door.

"Alright" he mumbled, not turning around as he spoke.

"Later," he said, shutting the door behind him.

You smiled as you picked up the bagel sandwich, glancing over at the door.

How could you have forgotten?

Last time living with Kenma.

After finishing your bagel you started to pack up most of your stuff from the guest bedroom setting it all in the corner of the room easy for you to take
on your way to school the next day.

Being alone in the house that they made you feel so welcome in prompted you to clean all the bathrooms, the kitchen, anything you found messy or out of place. You did the laundry and cooked dinner, all to show your gratitude and appreciation.

You knew Kenma had practice from 10am to 4pm meaning he would be back first. You were unsure when it came to his parents deeming their work schedule was all over the place.

By 3:50 pm you had finished. You had sat in the kitchen with your maths textbook, downing a doughnut with pink icing and colourful sprinkles whilst running through maths questions.

Within the next half an hour Kenma walked through the door. He sluggishly took steps towards the couch, releasing his gym bag from his clutch, which followed by a thump from its weight hitting the floor.

He then fell back on the couch taking a
deep inhale and exhale.

You watched it from the kitchen stool,
taking your focus away from studying.

"Smells good, what you make?" Kenma mumbled, dragging his head over to the kitchen counter, where you were tucked in.

"Fried chicken.. rice, unagi, soup dumplings, miso soup—

Any Extent- Kenma KozumeWhere stories live. Discover now