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After you had given the blonde a stealthy hand job in humanities class, you didn't let him rest there that day.
As you had reunited with him after practice,
additionally after your hard hours of studying you had surprised him with some overstimulating head
in the school parking lot. And with that you bagged yourself eight points.

It appeared as if Kenma let you score those points quite easily, not hesitating to kiss you back as you leaned over shift stick and ran your fingertips through his soft, warm scented hair. You were somewhat nervous if there was the possibility a nosy student would pass by or even a teacher and observe through the boys glass windows intently. But just like every time, your brutal competitiveness has overrided the wary feeling and received the point for you.

Although what really boggled your mind was why the boy didn't just start the car or do something to not allow your sinful actions to resume.

Did he not fear the wide gap you had or had he just accepted it?

Well, you were about to see because today was a brand new day. Your advantage in reference to the game had been terminated leaving you in the same vulnerable state Kenma had been in for the past
five days, although now the game was just going back to being fair.

Your alarm had just blared and you repeated the same awkward stretch poses that assisted you in feeling less exhausted.

You sat up in your bed replying too some of your messages and ignoring others. Once you had finished you got up, you had departed from the guest room and entered the bathroom down the hall, mainly only you used as Kenma and his parents had one in their rooms; an on-suite.

You sighed glaring at lines on your face that
originated from the position you slept in, they were stamped across your forehead and down your cheek.

You picked up your toothbrush and
toothpaste and commenced the cleaning of your teeth.

As soon as both your teeth and tongue were clean,
you turned over to the shower curtains, gently
tugging it open, then twisted the shiny knob
allowing the cold water that ran down to
moderately heat up.

You undressed yourself sluggishly setting your
sleepwear up on the clothing rack.
Your period was over and you were certain by once you to a glance at the white pad below you.

After disposing of it you hopped into the steamy hot shower, water instantly hit and trickled down your skin causing a soothing sensation. You closed your eyes almost falling into slumber over the glorious heat of the water. However you suddenly heard a knock at the door, illuminating your focus. "Um sorry (y/n) I usually keep the supply of toiletries in the the cabinet of this bathroom you don't mind if I get it?" Kenma's mom questioned from the other side of the black door with a sweet voice.

"Yeah, no problem," you answered, stretching the volume of your voice so the woman could hear over the drumming of water drops crashing on the shower surface.

You quickly hopped out of the shower to unlock the door, then jumped back in sustain the warmth surrounding and all over your body.

"You can come in now," you clarified.
Kenmas mom did so, apologising for her
disturbance for the second time. You twisted the knob before speaking.

"It's really ok," you replied, squirting a miniature
portion of your tropical scented onto your netted sponge. You swirled the net around in your palms and fingertips until the sponge grew foamy.

You exfoliated your skin, starting from your feet and working up onto your jaw.
You heard the door shut and felt unbothered to
lock it, highlighting the factor that you'd drag soapy suds along the floor as you took your steps to the portal.

Any Extent- Kenma KozumeWhere stories live. Discover now