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You walked down the school hallway, eyes
wandering for a certain black haired boy.
Once you saw a crowd of three girls surrounding a guy, you knew you found
your the boy. You strutted towards him.

"Im free whenever your free, like at lunch. Let's have lunch," girl one spoke. "If you want I can come over today!" girl two spoke.

Kuroo did his cocky chuckle, grinning at all
the pretty females.
"Alright, settle down we might as well have a foursome,"he winked.

"No! You can't" You interrupted. The crowd of girls turned around giving a
nasty stare.

"Oh. I can't." Kuroo shrugged.
"You just said you could," girl three snarked, her hand on her hip. "But he can't. Because he said he'd help me with something later"

"Oh I can't, because I'm supposed to
help (y/n) with something later?"
Kuroo answered girl three, shrugging again.

You were used to the dirty looks given. Most girls seemed to be jealous or envy the relationship between you and your friends. Some thinking there's more between you guys then it seemed.
You ignored the greedy look displayed in
the girls eyes and decided to move back a
little, giving Kuroo a awkward wave before walking away.

"So what is it that made me have to cancel out on my foursome." Kuroo sighed, setting his lunch bag down on the table.

"Sorry about that. You can still do it after school. I guess. But I just need a favour."
"What kind of favour," the boy clasped his chin into his palm.

"You knoww just a favour," you averted
your eyes from him.
"(Y/n), I'm gonna need a little bit more
"I-it's about the game with Kenma."

Kuroo got up instantly, even rolling his
eyes with disappointment. He grabbed his
lunch with irritation.

You bounced up to grab Kuroo's wrist. "No! Please. I'm actually dying here," you whisper shouted.

"I don't see a problem with that."
"Kuroo,"you groaned, giving him a guilty
gaze, knowing it always made him vulnerable.
The boy re-took his seat,placing his lunch on the table for a second.

"So what can I help you with?"he exhaled.

"I need some inside info on Kenma."


"Like the shit that makes him *whispers* horny. You know-

"I can't—

"Pleaseee-the guy practically-

"Murdered your pussy? Because that's what Kenma told me." Kuroo chuckled leaning back in his seat.
This was the worst part to the first loss.

The utter embarrassment. You averted your eyes once again, your face noticeably flushed.
"I wouldn't use the term 'murder,"

"Of course you wouldn't say it. You sore
loser. But I know ma boy had yo shit sounding like stirred noodles."

You could only roll your eyes, knowing
if you were to offend or hurt the boy,it
would lessen the chance of gaining help in this desperate situation.
Because that's what you were, desperate.
"Haha. Ok. Now you know you have to
help me. If Kenma wins l'm basically his slave."

"Yes but it I tell you Kenmas shit, l'd be breaking bro code and also, I prefer him not strangling me when l'm sleeping,"

Kuroo opened his plastic container, withdrawing a sandwich from plastic wrap.

"But think about it. Ifl win then I get Kenma's console, he wouldn't be able to continue his obsession and I'd be finally satisfied with my win and therefore we would hang out with you...us. You get it?"

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