40-Drunk and high

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Kenma had barely spoken to you all day, whilst you and Rye were getting closer. When it came to lunch Harina had told you about how quiet Kenma had been, staring at objects senselessly as if
he was reflecting on something.

Rye and Shin had also mentioned during the lunch break that at the campfire tonight, besides roasting marshmallows and making s'mores, they had a supply of alcohol and weed disguised in everyday products, and they planned to have some fun once the teachers and personnel went to back to the cabin.

As much fun as it sounded like, you were leaning towards not taking part in these undaunted activities because you were afraid of getting caught, afraid of your parents hearing you were involved in such.

It was better when it was just you, Kenma and Kuroo on a weekend with no one else at home.

You were in the bathroom along with a lot of other girls, freshening up before the campfire. You weren't attending the campfire, the other girls were. The day had been long with and you were worn out, so you wanted to head back to your tent.

And you did.

But you couldn't sleep straight away without doing some math. A test was coming up and your parents would be impatient to see the grade. You had to be sure you had everything down or else the anxiety would be clawing at you violently. There had been a shadow that appeared in front of your tent opening.
It took your eyes off your book for a moment.

"(Y/n).. it's Rye."


He entered your tent, viewing your reply as permission. He crouched down next to you, glancing at the book in your palms.

"Hey... don't tell me you're doing math right now, on a fucking trip?"

"I need to.." you mumbled, currently trying to memorise an equation.

"And the campfire?"

."Sorry sir,but risky (y/n) ain't home today."

"The teachers and guide has already left for the cabin. It's just the students for the night.. nothings gonna happen."

"If I go and get caught drinking and shit or prosecuted as someone involved, my parents will flip. And I'm already scared to go home."

"It won't trust me."

You didn't say anything.

"Don't you trust me?"


Rye chuckled.
"If you end up getting caught...I'll give you permission to enslave me."

You smiled, a little laugh escaping your lips.

"I'm serious. I'll owe you for real. I wanna have fun with you tonight.."

You peered up at him, his eyes were sincere.

"Don't just say shit like that," you averted your eyes, the corners of your lips expanding.

"Why? I mean it. I missed you—

"Does that work on every girl Rye. You're pretty boy antics. You bat your long eyelashes and they fall for you?"

His smiled withered away.

"Yeah..I used to do that just cause I could. I was dumb though. Not very proud of it," he rubbed the back of his neck appearing guilty.

"When was your last relationship?" You asked.

"Real relationship?"

"Not since middle school.. if that counts."

"You haven't been with anyone since the last time I saw you?"

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