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You sighed harshly, eyes exhausted from gaping through the many, many
displeased and furious messages dispatched from your two despicable parents.

Your legs had halted it's shaking after
Kenma took the liberty to massage your thighs that quivered from all the sexual excitement. After you reassured the blonde head that you were fine, he established the conclusion to take a shower.

Which left you sat on his bed, once again,
scrutinising over the texts that your parents distinctly communicated their discontent and disappointment in you.

As you proceeded to scroll, it appeared
that there would always be another
message, almost causing you to be certain that the toxic expressions would continue for an eternity.
Despite the many times this had
occurrence  before, this time seemed more consequential. You found their words were
more fierce.

You could practically hear the drumming of your fathers insults and the unbroken whining and critical complaining of your mother, echoing out of the screen.

One message, without fail, caught your eye.

You know what (y/n)
Don't come home until you have straight
A'S in everything.
Tl grow aggravated if I see your face.

You were distraught on how to feel. It was pleasant knowing you did have to see your parents.

It created a space less stressful for you. But if you were a person who struggled to endure emotional hardships and brutal
scolding, then these regulations could eat up that individual.

You felt the urge to call Kuroo, the boy
could comfort you through uneasy periods, he knew exactly what to say additionally the lines not to cross.

You eyes searched for the black headed
boys contact, although this wasn't relatively difficult since it was the most recent number after your two excessively angered parents.

You clicked on his number, silently listening to the patterned vibration, waiting for a pick up.
The sturdy reliance in the boy didn't fall short and the buzzing lasted too shortly.

Kuroo answered, an isolated background, not a sole sound reverberated.

Then Kuroo's scratchy voice had resounded
out of the phone, giving youa hint the
boy had possibly been sleeping.

Kuroo: Hello?

You: my bad, did I wake you?

Kuroo: No.it's fine.

Kuroo turned the hot side of his pillow round to the cooler side making loud muffled sounds crash out from your phone.

Kuroo: So what did you want?

You: You see.my parents are just stressing
me out so much. Bro they even said I can't
come back till I get A's in everything. How
is that gonna be possible when i do higher

You: You see.my parents are just stressing me out so much. Bro they even said I can't come back till I get A's in everything. How is that gonna be possible when I do higher math. That's shit is so confusing and I still got myself a B but guess what, that wasn't
enough for my mom. And I KNOW that it's algebra that's getting in the way of my A's,that's why I fucking hate the letter A and the rest of them, except L. I don't know why but L is s000 segsy. Still, the fact is how is 6a-44a/^2- 6bg-4b=0 gonna help me
become a stripper or-or a lawyer-

Kuroo: Ok ok chill out. Overthinking isn't
going to benefit you in anyvway. So for now
just stop focusing on them. As of right
now it's not like you can do anything to change your grade.

You: I-I know.

Kuroo: Then don't strain yourself over it.
J-just talk to me about your day.

You could hear the fatigue wrestling with the boy, by the way his whispers rasped so often. He was helping you even though he was tired therefore it would be immature to not conform to what he'd ask of you.

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