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OH MY...this is the cutest thing I've ever seen!" Kenma's mother yelped giddily. The volume of her voice woke both of you up.

You were more startled than the blond.

"What..mom?" Kenma groaned, rubbing his eye sluggishly.

"No! Stay still," she took her phone out from her back pocket, snapping very many pictures of the two of you laying in bed next to each other.

There was a gap between the two of you. Kenma had been resting on his left arm, and his right arm had been extended across to your pillow, in which you had moved around several times in the night and ended up laying on that arm.

Furthermore, you were wrapped in the duvet whilst Kenma dozed off on top of it, leaving his naked top half and his plaid pyjama pants to soak up the warm room temperature.

Kenma rose up regardless of his mothers wishes, and pulling his arm back into his body.

"Fuck, I didn't mean to fall asleep here.." he yawned right after.

"I told you. I'm assuming nothing 'frisky' went on last night seeing as you still have your pants on and (y/n) is fully clothed," she raised a brow, but was still smiling.

"Even if something did happen I would say I told you so. In fact, even now I told you both so. You are bound to get married."

Kenma rose up from the bed very sluggishly from his exhaust, moaning at his mother shaking his head in denial.

He slid past his mother, exiting the room.

Kenma's mother stepped forward in eagerness.
"Sooooo you wanna tell me what that was?"

You couldn't help but let out a small chuckle from her overly excited expression.
"Some context please?" She added.

"Um.. you know my parents are coming for dinner and I haven't been able to get it off my mind since...I told him about it.. and I was surprised when he came to comfort me 'cause it was keeping me up—

"Aw honey," she swooned.

"It's fine now. I mean I'm still nervous but it was nice having the soft side of his company."

"YOU'RE IN LOVE! Just admit iiit. You're in love with my son," she bounced onto the bed next, landing on the spot next to you.

She was like a hyper little kid.

"I'm not in love with Kenma," you laughed.
"But it was pretty cute," you giggled.

"He really does care about you (y/n)... and so do I. It will go fine. Remember what I told you last night. I will play along if it means you get to stay for longer. Whatever it takes."

After finishing your morning routine you found yourself in front of Kenma's door.
You knocked on his door waiting for the permission to enter. You felt a little timid but was unsure to why. "Yeah..?" He spoke lowly.

You came in after his one worded answer.

The moment you stepped in the blond had just thrown a plain fitted t shirt over his head.

You slowly closed the door behind you, as you gawked at the male. He glanced over at you, before he slid his feet already shielded by a layer of socks into his house slides.

"Thanks for..last night.." you cringed saying it. Possibly because it was sincere gratitude towards Kenma, who was the most insincere person you knew.

"And what did I do?" He almost smiled, locking eyes with you.

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