26- Party of Three

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"Nah this isn't even fair-this game is between me and you, how are you allowed to let him-"

You began, pointing at the black haired boy
standing as if innocent with his hand tucked in his black sweats pockets that was paired with his Nekoma jersey.

"You did it first," Kenma cut you off.


"Don't act stupid. You did it first, you involved
Kuroo in a game that was strictly between me and you," he lifted his left eyebrow.

You froze for a second, especially confused.
You then repeated "What?" again, desiring for an elaboration.

"I looked through your phone..you asked Kuroo to spill information on my turn ons and turn offs to snoop around my shit too. Jog your memory?" he grinned.

You averted your eyes and turned your head
scantly, knowing you were guilty of his accusations. He cupped your cheek with his left hand, then placed his other hand at the back of your head redirecting the angle of your head.

Your lower body that straddled the boys hips were slightly facing the direction of Kuroos still body that stood few inches away from the door.

But fromn Kenmas hand placements he was
practically ordering you to give him the eye contact he longed for, manipulating your upper body to match his line of direction.

And despite being in your thin revealing devils
costume in Kenmas room temperature space, it didn't stop you from heating up like a stick to a match.
He wanted you to admit it.

"My phone..when ?" You attempted to throw the focus shining light on his invasion of privacy. "It probably wasn't even my phone.."you awkwardly giggled, glancing away.

"Then let's check shall we?"

"Mmh.. maybe let's not do that..."

Kenma rolled his eyes.

"I thought it was weird when Kuroo suddenly
continued asking for stuff like that, and I was
snooping through your phone for hints of what
your into anyway so it didn't hurt to take a gander and your messages."

"You should change your password by the way.
Tojiisadilf123 come on," he laughed.

"Wh-" you paused mid word. An actual reaction fumbled out of your brain.

"You use Kuroo I use Kuroo.. but just better I
guess," he chuckled at the end of his sentence with a malicious look plastered on his face.
"It's only fair." He added.

It left you speechless.

You suddenly flung your head over to his partner in this sinful crime.

"You! You traitor, how could you be so on board with it. I thought we had a deal. "you spoke with disappointment on your tone.

"I wasn't going to help in the first place.. until he blackmailed me," Kuroo replied, giving a bitter glare at the blond as he approached with slow steps.

"Blackmailed?" You raised your eyebrow drawing your face back to Kenma, his evil grin still sparkling.

"With what?" You questioned.

Kenma looked at Kuroo and Kuroo looked at
Kenma. They were simultaneously thinking of the same fact but didn't voice a word.

"That's the point of blackmail,"Kuroo sighed.

"But don't act like you haven't been waiting for a chance to fuck her," Kenma said, he grabbed onto Kuroos wrist, snatching his palm out of his pocket and tugged him closer to the bean bag you were both sunk down on.

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