5- Underestimated

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Kuroo aka (thirsty mf)
Good luck bestie💞

Kenma told me about your lil game

Don't tell me what happens bcos you
didn't choose me

in fact I don't want any
involvement at all😒



you can't be talking when yo dilli pickle

has been in every girl at schools😀

So pls stfu🙂

Rat x2

You weren't that bothered that Kuroo new about the game. You didn't expect Kenma to tell him, but it was better then leaving him out in the dark.

Especially if there was another, more explicit situation where you and Kenma were in the middle of doing the nasty and he happened to barge in.
Although, you somewhat didn't believe this game wasn't going to go as smoothly as stated. Kenma was a lazy guy.

He'd constantly be tired and whenever he got
back from practice, it'd be the same two

1. Going to sleep for a few hours, thern
waking up to go on his ps5.
2. Going on his ps5, then eventually
getting tired and going to bed.
He was far from energetic, so you really
just felt he was all talk. Yet, you found
yourself opening the front door to his
house,after another day of school.

He was still in practice, so you expected
nothing more then a languid, sweaty, worn
out Kenma, to back out on his words and
choose to play gta.

You dropped your bag on the living room table, strolling into the kitchen.You were surprised to meet his mother there, however, she seemed to be in a rush as she bounced from station to station.

Taking her yogurt and a container which seemed to be filled with fried chicken and placing it in her work bag then afterwards, looking for her water bottle and so on.

"You need help with anything?" You asked
walking in. "Oh hi sweetheart." she smiled, tucking
her loose hairs behind her ear. Her face was als0 a little red and she seemed out of breath. She looked at her watch, making her eyes widen. "Oh no no no, I'm
late." She huffed.

"I can help you find whatever your looking for." You suggest. "A little flash drive.l-I placed it over there

It caught your eye from the lower shelf, it
which you picked it up and plopped it in
the woman's palm.

"Aww thank you your a lifesaver." Kenma's mother pulled you into a hug, then kissed your forehead.

She grabbed her work-case, subsequently
fixed her pantsuit.

"Bye honey." She waved.
As she was about to exit she suddenly turned around.

"You know you're always free to stay here if things are still rough at home."
You nodded and waved, giving back a
grateful smile. With that the woman left.

And you were alone in Kenma's house,
now patiently waiting for him to come

You were currently watching on the tv in Kenma's living room, not because you wanted to, but because there was a whole ps5 upstairs calling your name. But Kenma put a password on, so this was the
alternative. You had a big bag of popcorn, casually
munching whilst being wrapped in one of
Kenmas fluffy red blankets.

Your head had turned once the front door opened. You studied the blond haired boys body language, he was visibly tired, from the way he dragged his feet each step to the way his swung his gyrm bag to the

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