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1wk later (Friday)

Kenma nor Kuroo had arrived back yet.They had after school practice. But you, not in the mood to go back to the depressing mess you called a home, found yourself at Kenmas house.
Just like always.

Kenmas Dad had let you in on his way out
to work, in which you were currently alone
in the blond boys house.

You fell back onto Kenmas soft duvet after
another disappointing week.
You pondered over the realisation of the
power Kenma's competitive criticism had on you when yesterday you decided to get dicked down.

Maybe it would've been better. What you had desired possibly.

But unfortunately it was no where near your expectations. You partially felt it was your fault because you tempted some random hot guy you were sure had interest in you. He'd constantly give you seductive stares in the hallway, scanning you from top to bottom.

From the way it transpired you now knew hot guy didn't equal hot sex.

In fact it was so bad you didn't even let the guy pull his dick out. After several seconds of making out; which felt like a snake trying to stick its tongue down your throat, you couldn't handle the sloppiness of being licked like dog food.

Therefore you made some dumb excuse and left.

You gawked up at the ceiling with your 'in my feelings' playlist reverberating in the background, deepening your impuissant mood, because everything in your life felt unsatisfactory.

Including the fact that Kenma wiped his ass with you every face off.

But this time it was sexual frustration and how you always compared yourself to flawless fan-fiction where the mc had always undergone the greatest romantic experiences.

Although, these episodes of you being deeply in your feels happened so often, Kuroo knew exactly how to deal with it.
You looked to the did was you heard footsteps immersing from the other side of the refined door.

One undeniably fast paced and the other, slothful.
The handle of the door bounced downwards and flicked back upwards as the door flew open. A tall energetic boy, radiating with pure eagerness yelled,

"I got the drinks baby!"

He swung his gym bag off his shoulder which caused the sounds of clinks to derive in from the glass bottles clashing together, now repeating in various alternations clouding the sound of your soft music.

Alcohol was exactly what you needed to release the grubby sensation inside.
"Thank you," you forced a smile, as your head weakly turned to the side. But to show your appreciation you blew the black haired boy a kiss.

Your eyes averted to the shorter boy, who had just entered the room. He appeared to be more worn out then usual.

He languidly dropped his gym bag to the floor.
Once he saw you laid out on his head, he only appeared vexed as his eyebrows bent.

"I told that man to stop letting you in my room alone without my permission," Kenma spoke low, his tone sedated.

"Don't worry I didn't look at your search history," you teased.

"I'll know if you touched my shit anyway," the boy exhaled as he walked over to his console set on his desk. He was prepared for hours of gaming.

Kuroo rested next to you on the bed, although he sat up to unravel the bottles. There were a pack of eight bottles certified for consumption.
He made sure you had enough to be knee deep in commotion as another pack was leftover in his bag.

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