39-Camping trip

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"Hot," Taketora swooned.

"You're always thirsty, damn," Kuroo chuckled, in reference to Taketora's sentence.

"She is though..." he shrugged.

"Wait..a damn min. Chiba did your hair... when and where?"Lev raised an eyebrow.

Kenma could feel the eager eyes from his friends.
He didn't want it to be taken out of context or blown out of proportion.

"Why does it matter?" He asked.

"Because the only girl anyone ever sees you with is (Y/n) and your mom..so..kind of a big deal."

He was quiet for a moment, simply because he was hesitant.

"Her house..after practice," he averted his eyes.

Kenma's friends grew hyper, swinging giddy punches at his arms, teasing him.

"Okay! Chill.. my arms are gonna fucking fall off," he reached out and slapped Kuroo.

"Hey—I didn't even touch you," Kuroo shrieked. He didn't because he knew nothing was going on between them.

"I know, I just wanted to slap you for that stupid remark before. You was laughing a little too much. I obviously have grown a bit," he combed his hair back with his hands to get the loose strands of hair out of his face.

"Finally. You didn't let your pretty face go to waste and found yourself a girl," Lev cheered.
Yaku and Taketora cheered along.

"No," Kenma's expression turned cold.


"Whattt? Why not?. You went over to a girls house at night and nothing happened?"

"Yeah. Nothing. She offered to do it. I took the offer. End of. I beg, no misconceptions. I just want peace," Kenma sighed and leaned back onto Kuroos thigh as Kuroo was sat on the bench above him. He rested his head there and closed his eyes.

"Ugh Kenma— Yaku began.

"If you guys keep talking about it so loudly, there's gonna be rumours. Just drop it.."

After attendance was taken, everyone went outside to board the coach.

You walked up the the coach with Harina by your side. The two of you getting to know the older versions of yourselves some more.

"(Y/n)," Kuroo called, departing from his group to talk to you. His group slowed down, waiting for Kuroo to rejoin, however, you just ended up catching up with them, merging with their group.

Kuroo began to ramble on about Mio to you, even as you put your camping backpacks in the storage compartment of the coach, and as you went down the aisle of the coach, looking for a seat with Harina.

It didn't go as planned, Kuroo ended up tugging you next to him, eager to tell you all about Mio the whole ride and Harina somehow ended up next to Kenma.

Taketora, Lev and Yaku were at the back, right behind the four of you, however, they had bagged the five seats linked together at the back of the vehicle. The other two seats were occupied by two girls eager to speak to them.

Both there faces familiar to you from begging you to talk to Kuroo for their gain.

Harina and Kenma started having a conversation, and what was worse was that Harina was sitting at the window seat, and Kenma was practically next to you, with just the narrow aisle in between.
And because of this, you couldn't see the kind of expression he was making to whatever she was saying as he faced her.

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