31- Fatigue

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You were so caught up in the moment, head full of nothing but want. Want for the pleasure to progress, heighten, just to feel good. Sometimes you felt like the sex with Kenma was too brilliant. Like he almost knew how to connect with your body.

And you liked how he watched you.

If a guy you just started randomly fucking observed you the way he did, you would feel somewhat embarrassed or maybe just shy.

But when Kenma did, he watched you like you were his best source of entertainment. A fantasy he made upon his mind to fulfil his desires. He gave you the right attention, as if he was drawn to every move you made. And it made you comfortable. Even boosted your confidence.

In this case, he focused distinctly on the expressions you made as you dry humped, those hazel eyes stared at you sharply analysing when your expression grew more erotic. He'd listen to any sound you made at any moment, looking for when your voice grew louder or softer, and what movement made it appear you were enjoying it more. Then aim to continuously hit that mark.

Although it was just like a gaming technique to score more points, some of it was just the sexual affection and tension between him and you.

You continued to grind against him, enjoying the sensation of his dick hardening beneath you, as well as the fact you knew he was relishing it. One of Kenma's hands supported you, as his hand moved back and forth on your hips as you rolled them.

Kenma clutched onto the side of your neck, using his thumb to push your jaw up a bit. This was so he could have full access to your neck, applying a mixture of painful and soft kisses on your most reactive spot. He kissed up your jaw, lips moving closer to yours, however he held back from kissing you. He smiled as you waited, he admired that impatient look on your face, how your breath hitched rapidly against his lips as you were unable to keep calm.

He released the grip on your neck, creating a little distance between your faces. The males palm dropped down to your top, massaging your breasts through the fabric.

You let out a moan from the feeling.

He pulled your top up revealing your casual black bra, then lifted the cups of your garment causing your titties to spill out.

He tucked the bottom of your top into your mouth, hoping you would use your initiative to bite onto it, to keep it from falling down and clothing your breasts again.

And that's what you did.

Kenma set both palms onto your naked waist, his warm touch making you all the more serene as you still continued to buck your hips against his crotch.

He kneaded your bare breasts with his dominant hand, giving them both the same amount of love and attention.

You leaned back, unconsciously pressing your crotch harder against him, leading to the blonde cussing under his breath to conceal any sounds that were about to leave his mouth.

Kenma softly massaged your left breast for several seconds before he began to play with your nipples. Gazing at you deeply, he licked and sucked on them, kissed around them, flickered the bud with his wet tongue, grinning as you squirmed, latching onto head and running your fingers through his hair, burying your face into the top of his head.

You bit down on the clothing harder, aiming to suppress the moans dying to escape your lips.
You honestly just wanted him to put his dick in you already. The foreplay and teasing had you soaked.

The friction of the dry humping was vexing as though it was pleasurable Kenma wanted you to feel more.

The blond dragged your pyjama pants down to your ankles whilst you kept your arms buckled round his neck for stability. Your pants effortlessly slid down your feet and onto the ground. This left you with your breast, down to your legs exposed. You still held up your top with your mouth.

Any Extent- Kenma KozumeWhere stories live. Discover now