28-Soft Spot

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You had managed to fake feeling ill for three days to Kenma's parents knowing the true reasoning behind it was your legs being destroyed.

And astonishingly, Kenma lived up to his word not taking part in your game. He came to check up on you at least twice a day asking if you needed anything or if you felt okay.

You couldn't conceal that it made exhilarated, him showcasing his care. To sum it up in a sole word you would describe it as puzzling.

Not even the unique fact that he actually put in effort to knock on your door and ask how you were feeling the days he came back from school without you, but the fact that he came back that particular day.

The day you had the threesome.

You pondered over it, partially without choice since you were in bed most of the time for those three days. Generally the scene when Kenma dropped by after the action and exhibited an act of remorse. it had you thinking, contemplating, plotting.

He didn't have to come back, he have had to be feeling somewhat wrongful as he could've just suggested takeout as a way of apology, but he didn't. And you grew irritated at yourself once you noticed you were smiling.

You persuaded yourself to not get caught up in the moment. But then again you questioned...
was he getting soft?

Caught some feelings for you? It could've been a guilty feeling in the moment, then again it would be beneficial, exploited if that side of him sprung out more often. That thought had led to something else.

Nevertheless, it wasn't just him.

Kuroo wouldn't leave you alone. He made it clear as day that he felt horrible for breaking your pact by joining Kenma to savagely increase his points. He came over everyday after school, giving services he believed would console you.

From takeout and candies to massages in order to please you. You admired it and wanted to forgive him, but the sweet treatment was surely entertaining.

However, when Kuroo and Kenma were at school and you were in the house on your own you also spent a large quantity of time in your bed, giving you a clear mind and time to think of a plan to get Kemna back. To beat him, make him cry from pleasure like you did.

You had to go big. you thought about pegging him.
You argued with yourself. He wasn't really the submissive type, and honestly you weren't that type of girl either.

It was currently the third day you had missed school. You felt grace improvement in feeling and energy as you woke up that morning. The tremble and ache in your legs were eliminated, however it still did hurt in certain positions.

You finished taking your shower and slipped on some warm clothing; fluffy stockings, your silk pyjamas pants and a long sleeve black sweater.
You caught on things you were behind on so you didn't have to struggle catching up. Even taking a gander in Kenmas bedroom to see if you could find anything to assist your next plot, however that failed.

However, simply being in Kenmas house felt like home, even when no one was at home, because you were blatantly accepted their.

"I'm back," Kenma huffed.


"Kuroos back too," Kenma groaned almost sounding irritated, yet appeared as an introduction just because Kuroo came in after his sentence finished.

"Princess.. what are you doing out of bed. I'm supposed to help you if—

"It's fine, this isn't a nursing home. Plus I just needed the bathroom then I felt an urge for ramen."

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