20- Dangerous

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And everything was going so well. He used to call me few times a week and we'd hook up. I didn't mind that he was sexually active with other girls cause at the end of the day he always treated me right and—

"I'm sorry, I don't even know your name," you
glanced up from your phone at the girl with light brown haired girl who was sat across your table in the cafeteria.
"Oh. I'm Misora," she suddenly flashed a cheerful grin.

"And why are you telling me all this Misora?" You struck her a cold and irritated eye.
She bowed her head down low.

"Can you please please talk to him for me. He
suddenly cut off our hookups and I don't know why and-and—

"Wow. So that idiot was for real," you mumbled
under your breath.

"Come on. Can you not just find another fuck
buddy. Leave the boy alone. Let him live a long, free life."

"I can't find another boy like Kuroo..it's not that
easy to find a dick the same length as my head and neck together," she made sure to whisper the last part.

Doesn't seem hard for me. Seems like both my best friends are packing horse shlongs.

"But why you making this my problem? Can I not eat in peace?"

You were sure that the rich tasting meal that sat atop the table in front of you was moderately cooling down.

That would make it less enjoyable for you.

"Please just talk to him for me," she pleaded,
grabbing your palm.

You instantly pulled away.

"Damn. You don't need to touch me," you

Damn is Kuroo that good or is she just desperate?

"Look, I'm not Kuroo or Kenma's gatekeeper so if you're too pussy to speak to him about whatever this situation is, take care of it yourself. Ok? Ok," you spoke in a bitter tone, then whipped out your phone again hoping she'd get the message.

"Jeez, I didn't know you were so rude," the girl
gasped, rising from the seat parallel to you.

"You're the one rudely disrupting my alone time with myself as if I know you. Puh-lease, you could've at least acted like you wanted to be my friend," you responded, vexation on your tongue.

You took a deep breath to compose yourself.
How could she ask me to tell Kuroo to fuck her?

Like she thought of it, processed it and let it leave her mouth.

You glanced up as a storm of chatter boomed for the left of the room. You came to the realisation it was the group of girls Misora had approached who appeared to be her cliché, were now all sending you
harsh glances and glares as if you had killed their puppy or something.
You matched the cows of girls energy darting
unfriendly glares at each pairs of eyes. They all eventually looked away which you took as a win. You then looked down at your plate, hoping to get a big spoon of the meal that was once piping hot.

As you dragged the steel with the rice and curry sitting in the curve closer to your mouth, you were annoyed dearly by the alarming sound of the bell.

That bell declared lunch was over.

You cursed under your breath inflamed over the fact that this was just one of the many times your
lunch had been ruined over shameless girls begging for some category of conviction or contribution to Kuroo and Kenma.

Chilling with Kenma in whatever classroom he was sleeping in really seemed like the most favourable option in the moment.

You peered at the horde of students that began to clear the room.
It didn't stop you from filling up as much of your meal as you could in your mouth at once. You needed it as energy for the reason that physical education was next.

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