43-The look

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I knew it!" Kuroo raised his voice.

"You did? Is it that obvious. Do I make it obvious?"

"Well I suspected...seems to be more than just fucking goin on.."

You rolled your eyes.
"You suspected.." you repeated after him.

"Yeah. You and Kenma both act differently ever since the game started. And you come to me less and talk to him more.."

"Yeah...I guess. He's become softer with me. I think that's why I like him so much. Both his different sides. I would hate someone being..like.. sweet and lovey dovey to me at every moment of the day..you know. I like that..that he teases me and is rude at times even though I know he's just joking, but especially when it breaks down and he shows his soft side for me."

"Damn. Ma boy really got you!"

"Don't say shit to him i swear!" You warned.

"I won't."
"So.. when did you start liking him?"

"I realised after I got hella jealous of him and Harina I guess. When he came back from her house and lied that they had sex. It really hurt me. Made me realise how much I want him to myself."


"And I really liked how jealous he got on the camping trip just because I was hanging with Rye most the time."

"Why is this the first I'm hearing of this?"

"Sorry, sorry. I've been in my head since." You apologised.

"How was he acting jealous?"

"He just kept making bitchy remarks every time I would be alone with him like... "yoU migHt aS wElL sUCk hiS DIcK aLrEAdY"..asshole," you rolled your eyes after mocking him.

Kuroo laughed.

"With his dumbass.. if you like me fucking tell me. Don't act like a bitch ugh. Just fucking say you love me so I don't have to act like I wanna just kiss you for the stupid game. Fucking.. stupid game." You spat.

"Cute. And you guys used to be at each others throats—

"I forgot! I even did ask him.."

"Ask him what?"

"I was drunk n' he was high.. and I went to see him in his tent and I asked him if he's in love with me and he said he doesn't know.. how can he fucking not know?"

"Chill..you can't blame him for being confused about his feelings. He has not been in love before so you can't just expect him to drop down on his knees and confess."


"He's a complicated guy, stubborn and stupid at times. Knowing he's confused is a good thing..kind of.. shows he's definitely feeling something for you, something different than before.. he just doesn't know what it is yet."


Kuroo sighed.
"Didn't think this day would come. You guys were persistently at each other's throats."

"Still are. I like that part still..do you.. does he ever.. has he ever said he liked me in that way?"

"You know Kenma. If he did he probably wouldn't tell a soul. He's stubborn, just wouldn't want to admit it."


"But if you are asking me if I think he likes you, i would say yes."

"You would? Why?"

"Because the guy doesn't have any other girls in his life besides you, by choice. And if he's getting jealous of you hanging out with Rye it just means he wanted your attention and didn't like seeing you with anyone else." Kuroo responded.

Any Extent- Kenma KozumeWhere stories live. Discover now