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Kuroo raised his phone in the darkness of the movie theatre. The light coming from the screen shun onto his face, making Mio turn her head. Kuroo read the text from his blond friend.

Kenma the leprechaun 🍀

sorry bro it doesn't look like im coming back im getting slutted out 🤓

also be a good boy to Mio

keep your dick in ur pants today

Daddy loves u

He let out a little chuckle and turned off his screen. "Ironic," he spoke under his breath.

"What?" Mio questioned in a whisper, she glanced up at him as she began unwrapping her third cheeseburger.

"Kenma and (y/n) um..something happened and they aren't coming back.." he said with a smile on his lips. Mio was confused by that expression displayed on his face.

"Are they okay? Is it bad?" Kuroo laughed. "They are definitely more than okay.

I'd even say they are having a pleasurable time," he raised his eyebrows, chuckling at his own joke. Mio still appeared puzzled, but she simply grinned not wanting to pry and turned her head back to the screen. "It's nice that we are alone though.. we should go somewhere after...." Kuroo came close, whispering directly into her ear. His eyes facing the screen whilst he did so. The corners of her lips widened from the delightful sound of his voice in her ear.

She realised in that moment she could listen to him talk all day. Her cheeks grew incredibly red. She just found Kuroo so attractive.

She began to heat up just thinking how close his lips were to her ear.She had been so glad the room was too dark for Kuroo to see her blushing because it'd only make her redder. "Yeah.. we should." She unexpectedly locked eyes with him.

The look she gave Kuroo was tempting, it put sinful thoughts in his head that he had began to already regret. It brought about guilt. This had to be the beginning of a new era. No more thinking with his dick. He wanted to get to know Mio.

See where it took him.

After all, he had just managed to get rid of his long time feelings for you.

Just thinking about what Kemna said made you wetter. And at times like this you wish it all wasn't a game. What things? What is he thinking about doing to me? You thought as you had been watching him text Kuroo for the past minute, your hand up his top, caressing his abdomens.

He clicked the button on the side of his phone turning off his screen, then sliding his mobile device into his pocket. His messy blond hair shifted away from his face as he raised up his head.

He stared at you sat on his lap silently with an inviting expression on his face. You could only peer back, however for some reason you felt a little more nervous. He suddenly broke the silence, ending the quiet period of eye contact.

"You sure your comfortable fucking on a toilet seat?" He almost began to laugh from the words. He brought a hand up to your cheek, playfully cupping it, then softly slapping it before cupping it again.

"It could be a little uncomfortable you know. Not a lot of space.."he added.

"It'll ruin it... the mood..all of it if  up and put back in my clothes..and then what we drive back to your house?" you felt the fingers of his other hand caress your back ever so faintly.

His touch became something you longed for now. It made you happy when his finger pads brushed around your skin like you were a fragile being. "Or is it cause you too needy now..hm?" He placed his warm palm on your lower stomach making you look down directly to that spot.

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