30- Discontinued Conversation

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Both of you looked to one another, shock in each others eyes as you heard the voice of Kenma's mom.

Kenma pushed you off him as a first instinct, making you a little hurt but you all understood the reason. "Fuck what should we say?" You whispered.

"Shhh. Get on your knees." He demanded, pointing in a direction your eyes didn't follow.

"Now? Is this turning you on, your mom on the other side of the d—

"Get on your knees in front of the toilet you idiot," he whisper shouted.

"Ohhh." You suddenly got the message of his plan.
"No.. ew that's dirty," you scrunched your face getting up from the ground.

"Just do it."

"No. Wait. I have a better idea,"you said.

"Which is?"

"Tell the truth, it's not like we are fucking in the toilet god damn." You whispered.

Not this time anyway..

"Yeah but—

"But what?" You asked, you had not interrupted him, he simply cut his own voice off.

The blond used his fingers to comb back his bleached strands that he had taken out of his man bun, and redirected his face towards the door.
Waiting any longer would make it appear suspicious so he spoke up.

"I'm in the bathroom.. with (y/n)," he mumbled your name as he was not proud to voice it with confidence.

"Kenma...and your with—Oh I see."

Kenma rolled his eyes as he could tell his mother said it with a smile. He thought she was a weirdo, what mother would be happy knowing, well in this situation 'thinking' , because it was not actually happening at the moment, that her son was hooking up with a girl in the bathroom during a family dinner?

Only his mom would, because Kenma and you were her biggest ship.

"It's not like that," he pulled open the bathroom door, displaying you both standing without signs out of the ordinary.

"Oh?" She crossed her arms, attempting to hide her smirk but poorly failing.
"So you were both in the bathroom... together...with the door closed?"

"Yeah...I think you could tell there was a little tension at the table.." you answered.
She raised a brow.
"Kenma and I just had a argument on something, but he came to apologise."

"In the bathroom?"she repeated

"Yes. She wasn't like taking a dump or anything, she just came in here 'cause I told her to calm down and not make a scene." Kenma spoke up, visibly annoyed.

"...Then she was tryna run back to dinner when I came to speak to her and I know if I let her do she would just get more mad at me." He continued.

"You apologised first?" His mother asked.

"..Yeah?" Kenma answered.

"She is already turning you into a better man!" She jerked forward pulling her son into a hug, illuminating with pride.

"She's not turning me into anything," he murmured a little irritated.

"How cute." you smiled.

"Shut up," Kenma moaned, head still laying on his mother shoulder.

"I can't wait until you marry my son," Kenma's mother winked at you, cupping your cheeks with her warm soft hands.

"I'd hate to disappoint but—

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