42- The Blackmail Card

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"Are you sure you can take it this time?"

The recollection of you struggling to ride him in the bathrooms of the movie theatres resurfaced.

He told you to grind.

He told you to be selfish.

"That's a little cocky for you to say when you came first.." you continued to stroke his dick.  It was coated in his sticky cum and you used it as a lubricant slowly massaging it around his shaft whilst holding eye contact with him.

"You still couldn't handle it that time, and you claimed to have Megan knees?" Kenma taunted.

"They were just a little weak that day.."

"Mhm," he hummed, nodding his head whilst sending you a sexy smile.

You got flustered and looked away. Your cheeks became embarrassingly hot.

"Don't get me wrong, I still want to see you grind," he said lowly.

He exhaled right after. his dick was growing hard from your persistent stroking even though he had just came his pants.

"I'm gonna grind.. not because you want me to.."

"Whatever makes you happy," he said it in a way it seemed he didn't care.

You knelt upwards, climbing directly underneath his dick. You moved your purple lace underwear to the side to allow his dick inside. With hesitation, you lowered yourself onto him.
His dick slipped in without effort due to you both being so wet.

Taken aback by the pleasurable sensation you let out a groan.

You wrapped your arms around his head, burying it into your chest so he wouldn't see the struggle on your face. His big dick was destroying you.

"Are you good?" He asked, seeing as you hadn't started off strong. His tip had barely made it a few inches in and you were struggling. You were trying to figure why you were so overly sensitive today.
Your breasts were pressing against his face due to how you hugged his head. Your thin t shirt didn't stop him from the feeling of your hard nips.

"Mhmm.. yeah.." you bit your lip straight after, lowering yourself back onto his dick. There was about five inches of him in you.

You began to roll your hips, wincing in pleasure.
Kenma took his hands off your sides for and moment and lifted up your t shirt, lowering his head, disappearing under the fabric of it. Your winces grew stronger once he began to suck on the skin of your upper stomach.

"Please.. no more hickeys. My mom will see them when I go back home."

"Is she gonna be looking at your titties?" He asked, leaning his chin on your chest as he peered up at you.
"No.." your breathing was clearly unstable.
He grabbed them, massaging them tenderly, then began to suck firmly around your nips.

You shut your eyes, biting your lip with frustration, furthermore, rolling your hips even slower.

He left marks on your breasts. You were unsure to why he had a tendency to leaves love bites somewhere on your body, but you never felt the need to ask.

He held your shirt up to watch your torso roll against him, cussing under his breath from the feeling on his dick and the scene before him. He looked up at you, hearing your feeble moans and pants, he knew you were struggling, but he just wanted to confirm.

"You look like your about to cum already," he dragged your lower lip down.

You said nothing, but a moan managed to escape from your mouth. Kenma clutched your neck, pulling your lips onto his, then, just for a moment, bucked his hips speedily upwards.

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