47- transition

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There it was, your Dads green Honda civic parked at the very front of the schools car park.

You could see him frustratingly tap on the car wheel waiting for you without patience.

You opened the back car door and scooted in the back seat with struggle. You had a heavy duffel bag along with your regular school bag that withheld all your clothes and other significant belongings you had brought to Kenma's place.

"Why are you sitting back there? You have an attitude already hm?"

"No. There's just more space back here.. for my stuff." You responded calmly.

"Mm. Sure." He glared at you through the rear view mirror.

He drove out of the carpark and then came the awkward silence in the car. It made you uncomfortable, like any awkward silence would.

"How was Bali?"
you tried to make conversation.

He grunted.
" Maybe if you were more competent you could've came along and seen."

You didn't say anything. Just held your lips together and looked out the window.

"You know, I disagree with your mother making you stay at the Kozumes."

"You do?" You questioned, turning your head towards him, genuinely baffled.

"She shouldn't have let you stay at a house with two men. One being Kenma at that. Who knows what kind of things you were doing.."

"Oh," you mumbled under your breath. You thought for a moment he was being empathetic about the situation.

"I know you've probably had sex with him, you love to be around men the way you are always clinging onto that large black haired one as well as Kenma. It's disgusting to look at you know. Can you not find girls your age at school?"

You didn't even have a response because what he had accused you of was true. Not only have you had sex with Kenma but with Kuroo too.

You never liked to reflect on it but, you knew it was bad. Even if it was for the game. You were aware it was weird to have sex with both your best friends, and was sure you'd be ashamed if Mio ever found out.

Then, how would she trust you around him?

It was disgusting.

You were disgusting.

Your dad was right.
That's what you continuously told yourself after he had said what he said because he knew exactly how to make you hate yourself at times.

"The way you feed for male attention your bound to end up one of those pregnant teenagers with no future. Even then we won't send you to your grandmothers, just kick you out on the street. Go live in Kenma's bedroom for all I care."

"Okay. I get it," you muttered.

"Get what? I'm not telling you this to attack you. I'm giving you advice because I'll be the parent to tell you about boys and men and how they act because I am one. You're young and you have the type of body men lust after—

"Don't.. don't say that. That's weird for you to say. And things like this you never say in front of mom."

"I do—

"You don't though.. because your much more obsessive about how I dress and and appeal to men and she is more regarding my grades and future. At least hers makes some sense," you mumbled the last part.

Any Extent- Kenma KozumeWhere stories live. Discover now