41-Better memories

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A trumpet blared amongst the camp set to wake up the students. It was loud and consistent not permitting you to concentrate on your sleep.

You opened your eyes to Kenma's blanket being evenly spread covering you shoulder to toe, but no Kenma in the tent.

Your head was pounding, and last night was a blur, but you had remembered some parts vividly and others where gaps needed to be filled. You suddenly smiled hard, covering your eyes with your hands as you remembered Kenma last night, how vulnerable he was with you.

He was openly jealous of you and Rye, it made your heart skip a beat. Although he couldn't say whether he was in love with you or not, the fact that he was unsure of it made you happier than expected.
It still meant he had strong feelings for you and what he had said to Rye and Shin was a lie.

After he said he didn't know, it was quiet. His breathing had softened and he had fallen asleep.
You traced his peaceful looking facial features whilst he was at rest. He was very pretty, you could not believe he did not even realise how beautiful he was.

You still remember the way he caressed you as you made out, truly sensual and gentle and sweet. He tasted sweet too.

But who knew what Kenma you would endure today.
He could deny it all and that would hurt.

"Hey Kenma!" Kuroo called from outside of the tent.

"I bet he's still sleeping, lazy bastard," Rye laughed.

You cussed under your breath, especially anxious not knowing where Kenma was.

"Let's toss cold water on him," Shin grinned.

"So he can cut off my ballsack later, no way. You can do it if you would like," Kuroo insisted.

Shin unzipped the tent and you waited in panic.
What were you going to say?

"Kenma—wakey wa—oh."
Shin stared at you and you stared back.

"What?" Rye asked, crouching down next to Shin to see.

"Hey..guys.." you awkwardly waved.

"(Y/n)?" Kuroo joined the two guys, now three pairs of eyes staring at you.

"Why are you in Kenma's tent?" Shin asked.

"Why am I in here? That's a—that's a good question." You nodded.

They continued to stare waiting for an answer.

"There was a spider in her tent so she asked to switch with me.." Kenma unexpectedly appeared.
You couldn't see him from inside the tent, but his voice was very recognisable to you.

"Didn't know you were so kind," Shin grinned, looking up at Kenma from the ground.

"She wouldn't leave me alone about it.. so.." Kenma shrugged.

Kuroo smiled up at him, assuming there was more to the story.

"Kuroo! I haven't seen you since lunch yesterday.. how was.. how was the FaceTime call?" You tried to change the subject.

"I got good service on the other side of the lake, near the cabins.. Mio told me about her day and I told her about mine and we were just talking while she cleaned her apartment."



"She lives on her own?" Shin asked.

"She's finished high school.. taking a gap year."

"Oh.. she's older than you?" He laughed.

"Just by a few months.." Kuroo pouted.

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