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"Why are you avoiding eye contact with me?" Kenma's smirked, placing his PlayStation controller on the surface next to him.

You had been, because realising you had feelings for the guy made you a little more timid.

"No reason," you shrugged, and kept your eyes on the screen as you were fearful to lock eyes with him.

Kenma reached his hand out to your bean bag and tugged on it, dragging you closer to him.

"(Y/n)," he called your name in a teasing manner.

Your eyes failed to budge. And Kenma disliked it.
He clutched your face and turned your head to face his.

"Why am I being ignored? Why won't you look at me ?"

You did.

Just so you didn't have to answer.

However you quickly became flustered, begging to God he wouldn't take notice. He peered into your eyes for too long. You began to dismiss the eye contact.

"What's the shyness for, You like me or something?"he joked.

You didn't answer.

But he took your expression as his answer. It was too easy to read.
He let go of your face suddenly. As if he was shocked. Astonished. Taken back.

"You..do like me." He repeated, just to get a verbal confirmation.

You simply nodded. Afraid to speak.

He stared at you in silence. Silence that made you desperately uneasy.

"Do..you?" You broke the silence.

"You thought.. because I was a little soft on you..I had like a thing for you?" Kenma grinned.

"Well.. yeah," you shrugged, feeling intimidated by his gruesome smile. As if he found your feelings for him laughable.

"Do I have to remind you that all of this is for a game, there's no feelings involved. Don't make it weird by forcing your feelings on me," Kenma laughed.

"What?" You turned pale. Your heart burning intensely as Kenma was the one who lit the match and provoked the fire.

"What's fucking confusing? Get it through your thick skull. It's a fucking game. I don't like you like that."

There was suddenly a ringing noise.
Dreadfully loud.
You looked around to see where it was coming from, but Kenma seemed unfazed by the booming ring.
A familiar ring.

"What are you looking around for? You suddenly demented?"

"You don't hear that?" You questioned.

"Hear what?"

You opened your eyes.
Confused. It took you a few seconds to register that you were asleep. And the ringing was coming from your phone. Kuroo was calling. He said he would.

More than anything, you were especially relieved the rejection was a dream. However, it had still left it's mark. Your heart felt dense, and you were on the verge of crying.

The way Kenma coldly rejected you was brutal. Although it was a dream, you couldn't persuade yourself that your dream wasn't a possibility of how it would go. He wasn't a particularly lenient person. Furthermore, he had rejected every confession he had ever received. So in that moment you had made the resolution to, on no occasion, confess.

Without the provision that he miraculously did so first.


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