46- Jeopardy

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You sat in the dark of the bedroom in deep thought
in relation to what had just surfaced.

You were excited the male had asked you to take a shower with him. The drive home was quiet and you pondered on the various ways it could turn out. Although you were in your thoughts, glancing over at Kenma it seemed he had some hefty ones of his own.  He didn't sing along to the lyrics of his playlist songs, not even a low hum.

He was just focused on the road, although his mind seemed to be elsewhere.

You asked him if he was okay. Just once.

He nodded.

Regardless of that fact, of course you said yes, it had never been like this, where he openly asked you to do something so sensual.

Usually everything was part of the game, and any actions of his that were not simply confused you.
Although this did partially baffle you, it didn't appear to have any mischievous intent behind it.

Or else, why would he openly ask you if he wanted to score some points?

It felt like he just wanted to do something intimate together before you left. Thinking about it, you yearned for this to not be delusion, and have meaning behind it. If not, and the blonde had tricked you, at least it would be something more memorable before you left his house.

When you arrived back home the house was silent.

His parents were asleep.

Every sound and reverberation from actions such as shutting the door,  taking foot taking steps, or simply moving busily as the material of your jackets created a ruffling sound while they rubbed together enforced an echo to emit throughout the substantial home.

"Go ahead, I'll meet you up there," he whispered to you, zipping down his windbreaker.

You said nothing and smiled. You tiptoed up the stairs, fearful of making any alarming noises that would wake up his parents.

You entered Kenma's en suite, and stripped off your clothes, afterwards, turned on the hot water, reaching your hand out and feeling the cold rain from the shower head temperature grow warmer.

That's when you got in.
Moments later, the bathroom door opened. You poked your head out, watching the male strip for a second, then grew shy once his eyes had managed to find yours. He had no expression on his face, which made you wonder what was yet to occur.

But as you sat in your bed, in the dark, disappointed,  you felt stupid for having high expectations.

Nothing happened. He just drowned himself under the shower head, not even gifting you a glance.

You stood behind him like a fool for several minutes before you decided to get out.

Why did his mood change so abruptly, after he had made you happy?

You didn't want this to be your last memory in this house before you left.

You lowered your head down onto the pillow, facing the ceiling, yearning to not fall asleep because that only meant tomorrow would arrive faster.

Your eyes grew teary leading a droplet to roll from the side of your eye and leak into your ear.

You turned over to the side and hugged your duvet tight. You couldn't help but feel sleepy, your eyes shutting and more tears rolling down.

You felt at peace just for the moments you began to drift off into slumber, until there was a knock on the door.

You were in that woozy stage where you were confused to whether what you heard was real, or made up, possibly part of an upcoming dream.

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