22- Regret

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Your reckless plots in association to the immoral game you and the blond had convened.

Although you didn't foresee that with the futile hindrance that was your red flow, would cause you to alternate to such a state. The state were you possessed cramps and in spite of its weak and feeble ache, bothered you horrendously.

It didn't make you feel anymore spirited and eager, just brought your attitude down to a low.

It was not solely the spasm that that quaked your mood but also the wrenching headache that appeared out of nowhere. It diminished your focus in class, primarily when the pain sharpened causing you to drop your head down on the table.

And with that, you abandoned the vestiges that was the rest of your classes on your schedule and spent the rest of your day

Those ill factors weren't even the worst part of your day. Through all the pain obstruction it
undoubtedly didn't alleviate that you were
essentially horny.

Excessively horny.

Mainly when you pondered over how Kenma was teasing you as you sat submissively on the marble counter of his voguish kitchen, toes curling once his hot hands brushed against your sensitive skin,
breath hitching as he criticised the most vulnerable
spot on your neck with his moist tongue, thighs
producing frail friction whilst the inner part rubbed together slothfully.

He was truly and utterly right.
You wanted to be fucked.

That was additionally the reason for why you spent that Tuesday after school at Kuroo's, fearful that Kenma might execute the same sensual actions he performed the day before, leaving your sexual frustrations heightened to an unstable condition. You knew he was the type to taunt you. And he'd have no problem doing it again.

You studied deliberately and diligently in the
library located in the school simultaneously waiting for the boys volleyball practice to finish which took around three hours.

And once you regrouped with them, that's when you made the rapid decision to headover to watch a movie or two and was sure to highlight ominous pain you were going through isolating the the reality that your nap in the nurses office killed your headache. However the weak cramps didn't falter.

As expected Kuroo didn't hesitate to accept even partially exhibiting his compassion for you.

Kuroo made the decision for Kenma to come not shedding a speck of worry if he verily fancied to or not.

Nevertheless, that evening was ample with
amusement and banter, additionally a hefty
amount of takeout.

And as soon as you got home, you tore your
uniform off your body tossing them in areas you could barely recall, then slumped down in the comfy bed sheets soaking in the pleasurable sensation that was relaxation.

And before you knew it you had fallen asleep.

The sound of your alarm blared around the room causing your eyes to sluggishly unlatch. The warmth of the covers eradled you reposefully,manifesting your body to weaken as if poisoned.

You didn't desire to move or shift from the absolute position you lied in.

Even compelling your eyes to open wider than a mere squint was stressful enough. You shut your eyes for another three minutes aspiring you'd feel a slight innovation when it came to fatigue, although exhaust still had transpired.

Unfortunately, so did the burning sensation of
regret on your conscience. You rubbed your eye vaguely also realising that every nodus that was troubling you the day before in your body, had left, brightening your mood just a little.

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